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Editor’s Letter

       Welfare Power of Attorney - Are You Up To Date?

 28  46  As long as someone has mental

         capacity, they can give someone
         else the power to make                  Under the terms of Article 5(1) of
         decisions on their behalf.  This        the European Convention of
 Hello, and welcome to the September issue of ESPC Property & Interiors.
         is known as granting a Power of         Human Rights, “Everyone has the
         Attorney.  Welfare powers       VS      right to liberty…” and “No one
 After a busy summer, you might be thinking about what’s next in your
 property journey for the months ahead. Dare we say it, but in the world   typically include the power to  shall be deprived of his liberty…”
 of property, the countdown to Christmas is on, and if you dream of   decide upon care and  other than in some specific cases,
 being settled in your ideal new home in time for the festive season, the   accommodation for the person  such as “the lawful detention… of
 best time to act is now. We’ve got all the advice you need to start your   who granted the Power of  persons of unsound mind…”.
 selling journey on page 24, while ESPC Mortgages’ David Lauder talks us   Attorney should they lose
 through his predictions for the mortgage market on page 26.
         mental capacity and cannot live
 This month, we’re also sharing the results of our recent market research,
 looking at the Scottish Government’s “green agenda” for homeowners,
 and we’re examining the latest news from the rental market.
 Laura    Recent Sheriff Court cases have decided that traditional Powers of Attorney are no
 We’re also speaking to Hannah Biddulph, who found her dream home – a   longer compatible with the wording of the European Convention of Human Rights.
 renovation project packed with potential – using ESPC, and in the world
 Laura Mearns,   Attorneys are now having to apply to the  Sheriff  Court to obtain a Guardianship
 of interiors, we’re spotlighting chic neutrals, and ways to make a compact
 kitchen feel luxuriously large.  Order to ensure that they can place their loved ones in care if the situation arises
       where they can’t safely live at home. With careful planning, Powers of Attorney can
 As  always,  you’ll  find  features  on  the  finest  homes  currently  on  the   now be drafted to ensure this doesn’t have to happen.
 market, and a plethora of properties that might just take your fancy –
 you’ll find hundreds more each week when you head to too.
       When preparing new Power of Attorneys for clients, our best skills are listening.

 Happy reading!  We understand the nuances of Powers of Attorney and our team will craft
             wording to ensure that your wishes are always clearly represented.

 COVER IMAGE: John Lewis  All material published in ESPC magazine is copyright
 ESPC (UK) Ltd: 107 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3ES  of the publisher and cannot be reproduced without
 permission. All advertisements and articles appearing
 TEL: 0131 624 8000  To find out more contact
 in this publication are as far as possible checked for
 EDITORIAL: Laura Mearns   accuracy, but persons accepting or offering to accept
 ADVERTISING: Claire Boulton (07498 876315)   goods or services contained in any advertisement or   Mary Pat McFarlane
 EMAIL:   article do so at their own risk.   VMH Solicitors
 DESIGN: Melissa Shankland     8 Sibbald Walk,  Edinburgh EH8 8FT
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