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          The countdown                                                                             ESPC has all the tools a seller could want or need

                                                                                                        to make selling up and moving on a breeze.
                       is on!

                                                                                               ESPC Exclusive
                                                                                                                                  If  you’re  keen  to  sell,  but  nervous  that  you
                                                                                             Did you know that over 80% of the homes on     ESPC Unlock
                                                                                             ESPC appear exclusively with us first? When   haven’t found another property yet, ESPC
                                                                                             you list your property with an ESPC solicitor   Unlock is a tool that removes the stress from
                                                                                             estate agent, there’s a good chance that your   a sale. ESPC Unlock allows sellers to list their
                                                                                             home will appear exclusively on for   home flexibly and transparently, so there are no
                                                                                             its first 72 hours on the market, before getting   surprises in store for buyers hoping to move in
                                                                                             a second chance at being ‘new in’ when it   a rush. In a nutshell, a property listed under the
                                                                                             goes live on other portals afterwards. That   Unlock scheme gives the seller the option to
                                                                                             means you get a double hit of being a hot new   withdraw from the sale if they are unable to find
                                                                                             property on the market – and extra keen ESPC   a new home within a certain timeframe. This
                                                                                             buyers may be inspired to act faster once they   involves setting an extended entry date to give
                                                                                             see that shiny blue ‘exclusive’ sticker on your   the seller adequate time to find a new property,
                                                                                             property’s online listing.           with the flexibility to bring it forward if needed,
                                                                                                                                  or extend as required. So, if you’re not sure you’ll
                                                                                               Listing on                find a new home in a rush, you can use Unlock
                                                                                                                                  to make your sale process run smoothly and at
                                              Free valuations                                Market research consistently shows that
       Dreaming of spending Christmas                                                        most property sellers want their home to   a pace you’re comfortable with.
                                            Whether your heart’s set on moving home, or
       in a new home? It’s time to get                                                       appear on over any other portal
                                            you’re not sure yet about taking the plunge, you
       moving with ESPC.                    can take advantage of a free home valuation      – and it’s easy to see why. With over 50
                                            with any of our member firms. Simply head to     years of experience in the local property
                                    and  request  a  free,   market, thousands of househunters visiting
                                            no obligation pre-sale home valuation with as daily and hundreds of thousands
                                                                                             of email alerts sent to keen property seekers
                                            many firms as you like, to get a solid idea of your
               e know it’s only September, but                                               every  month,  there’s  no  better  place  to
               at the time of publication, there   home’s worth before it hits the open market.   market your property. Plus, you can take
        Ware just over 100 days to go until                                                  advantage of several options to boost your
        Christmas. So, if you swore last year that     The ESPC advantage                    property listing and help it stand out from
        you’d be spending the next festive season   In Scotland, you can’t sell a property without a   the crowd – your solicitor estate agent
        in a new property, you’ve not got long to   solicitor, so it makes perfect sense to choose a   can talk you through our menu, including
        get moving – literally.             solicitor estate agency to sell your home, pulling   Premium, Featured and Boosted properties,
                                            the entire process under one roof and keeping    as well as adverts in this very magazine, to
        Luckily, ESPC has all the tools a seller   everything as smooth and safe as possible.   spotlight your home even more.
        could want or need to make selling up   Plus, independent market research has proven
        and moving on a breeze, whether you’re   that ESPC solicitor estate agents can get you
        on a time limit or not. Here are just a few   more money for your property: on average,   Want to know more from the experts about selling before Christmas? Keep your eyes peeled for
        of the benefits you could take advantage   they achieve 2% more of the Home Report   the next episode of ESPC Digest, launching on 17 September on ESPC’s YouTube channel!
        of when you list your home with an ESPC   valuation than non-solicitor estate agents. It’s
        solicitor estate agent...           a no-brainer!
                                                                                                          Ready to sell your home? Head to today to get started.
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