Page 6 - ESPC Premier Living Spring Summer 2020
P. 6


         DECADE IN


                Premier Living launched ten
            years ago – how has the property
               market changed in that time?

        IT’S been a decade of change in the   to market and later being retracted, unsold.
        Scottish property market, with tax changes,   This growing recovery stalled by 2011,
        political referenda and even the weather   as the market entered two years of
        having an impact. There have also been   decreasing volumes of homes coming to
        many changes and notable events at ESPC,   market. The buyer market continued to
        including launching Premier Living in 2010.  show little sign of increasing confidence.
          In this article, we look at how the   Demand from buyers escalated sharply
        property market in Edinburgh, the   from mid-2013, around the time of the
        Lothians, Fife and the Borders has   Help to Buy scheme launching, making
        changed over the past decade, and what’s   the process more accessible for first time
        happened at ESPC in the last ten years.   buyers. It could be that a growing buy-to-
                                            let market also contributed to this demand.
        KEY PROPERTY MARKET                 This demand continued a steady upward
        STATISTICS FROM 2010 – 2019         trend until the months leading up to the
        •  Over the decade, the average selling price   EU Membership Referendum of 2016.
          in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the   This period also coincided with the
          Borders increased by 23 per cent from   introduction of the Additional Dwelling
          £206,144 in 2010 to £253,467 in 2019  Supplement; a tax payable by buyers
        •  The number of homes coming to    purchasing a home in addition to one
          market in 2019 was 5.2 per cent   they already own. Demand remained high
          lower than the volume in 2010     for the rest of the decade, easing slightly
        •  The volume of sales increased by    in 2018, but again returning to strong
          55 per cent between 2010 and 2019  demand levels by the end of the decade.
        •  The average asking price for       The volume of homes coming to market
          residential properties grew by 17 per   peaked in 2015 and entered a subsequent
          cent in ten years, from £202,473   slowdown from 2016 which continued for
          in 2010 to £237,529 in 2019       most of the rest of the decade. The start of
        •  The median time for properties   the slump in new market insertions occurred
          to go under offer significantly   around the time the Land and Buildings
          decreased, from 71 days in 2010   Transaction Tax (LBTT) replaced Stamp   compounded by public focus on the
          down to 22 days in 2019.          Duty for property sales in Scotland. A slight   fourth UK General Election in a decade.
                                            increase in volume occurred in 2018, but   Overall, comparing the first year of
        SALES VOLUME AND NUMBER             the high watermark levels of activity seen in   the decade to the last for the whole
        OF HOMES COMING TO                  2015 remained unchallenged.         of Edinburgh, Lothians, Fife and the
        MARKET IN THE 2010S                   In February 2018, it was the weather   Borders, the volume of homes coming
        The decade began on an upward       conditions that affected the local property   to market has decreased by 5.2 per
        trend with an increasing number of   market. The ‘Beast from the East’ caused   cent, while the number of properties
        homes coming to market, rising to   unseasonably low temperatures and heavy   sold has increased by 55 per cent.
        a peak in 2015. Meanwhile, buyer    snowfall in much of the UK. Locally, the
        activity was slow for the first half of   time period affected by the Beast from the   AVERAGE PROPERTY SELLING PRICES
        the decade, with a marked increase in   East correlated with a 2.4 per cent drop in   INCREASE ACROSS THE REGION
        competition and demand since 2015.  value of homes coming to market in March   The average selling price in Edinburgh, the
          The first months of 2010 marked the   2018 compared to the previous year.  Lothians, Fife and the Borders in 2019 was
        initial signs of seller confidence after the   The decade closed with a sharp drop   23 per cent greater than 2010, increasing
        financial crisis of 2008. Buyer confidence   in sales volume trend, potentially due   from £206,144 to £253,467. East Fife
        had yet to peak, with many homes coming   to the regular winter slowdown being   experienced the greatest percentage

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