Page 7 - ESPC Premier Living Spring Summer 2020
P. 7

Sales and Purchases at Coulters Property,
                                                                                said: “Ten years ago we were still in the
                                                                                throes of a recession and the top end of
                                                                                the market was hit hard. Just as the market
                                                                                started to recover, the change from stamp
                                                                                duty to LBTT was significant and resulted
                                                                                in much higher costs when buying.
                                                                                  “The introduction of ADS was
                                                                                another consideration for those who
                                                                                were in a position to buy before selling
                                                                                who suddenly had to find an extra
                                                                                four per cent (raised from three per
                                                                                cent in January 2019) to do so.
                                                                                  “In more recent years, I would say
                                                                                the general uncertainty in the market
                                                                                was around a possible referendum and
                                                                                Brexit and the impact this would have
                                                                                on the property market and prices.
                                                                                  “Collectively this has all resulted
                                                                                in a shortage of properties coming
                                                                                to the market but those that do
                                                                                have seen strong sale prices.”

                                                                                ESPC MOVES INTO THE 2020S
                                                                                Over the decade, ESPC and our
                                                                                member solicitor estate agents have:
                                                                                •  Listed more than 100,000
                                                                                  properties for sale across Edinburgh,
                                                                                  Lothians, Fife and the Borders
                                                                                •  Sold more than £19 billion worth of
                                                                                  residential property across Edinburgh,
                                                                                  Lothians, Fife and the Borders
                                                                                •  Served almost one billion pageviews to
                                                                                  property hunters and sellers on
                                                                                •  Provided a wealth of content on
                                                                         which buyers and sellers
                                                                                  have spent over 1,300 years’
                                                                                  worth of time looking at.

                                                                                  Paul Hilton, CEO of ESPC, commented:
                                                                                “The past decade has seen significant
                                                                                changes to the property market in
                                                                                Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the
                                                                                Borders. Entering the 2010s not long after
                                                                                the financial crash, there were initially signs
                                                                                of recovery which stalled shortly after.
                                                                                  “Since then we have seen many
        growth in average selling prices, with a 63   WHAT HAPPENED IN THE      fluctuations in terms of demand and
        per cent increase over the ten-year period.  PREMIER PROPERTY MARKET?   supply, impacted by several factors,
                                            Over the course of ten years, transaction   from tax changes to political turbulence
        HOMES SELLING FASTER IN             activity at the higher end of the market has   to extreme weather conditions.
        EDINBURGH, THE LOTHIANS,            grown. Looking at the premier property   “After a decade of change at ESPC, we
        FIFE AND THE BORDERS                market in 2019 compared to 2010, the   will continue looking for ways to benefit
        The median time to sell homes in    number of new homes coming to market   buyer, sellers, landlords and tenants
        Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife decreased   has increased by 45 per cent. Meanwhile,   by adding innovative new features to
        by 49 days, from 71 to 22 days. Most   the volume of premier property sales   our website, running a range of useful
        regions within Edinburgh, the Lothians,   has increased by 145 per cent.  free events and providing free property
        Fife and the Borders saw significant   Premier properties are also selling faster,   advice to those who require it.”
        decreases in the average number of days   with the median time for a property to be
        taken to sell homes. Edinburgh West   placed under offer having reduced from
        ended the decade with the quickest time   57 days in 2010 to 36 days in 2019.  All data relates to residential property
        to sell, with properties going under offer   Commenting on how the premier   listings on, and their
        in a median time of just 17 days, down   property market has changed over the   subsequent sales, from January
        from 81 days at the start of the decade.  past decade, Denise McKenzie, Head of   2010 to December 2019.

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