Page 4 - Property market report-Mar-Aug24
P. 4

New property
                                                                                                                                                           listings were up 13.1%
          Area overview                                                                      Properties took                                               while sales volumes                                    Properties achieved
                                                                                              23 days
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   102.1% of the
                                                                                          to sell, two days slower                                             14.2%                                             Home Report valuation,
                                                                                           than March-August                                                                                                      down 1.2 percentage
                                                                                                 2023                                                                                                                   points
                                                                                                                                                                                          of homes for sale
                                                                                                                                      The average selling price                           set a closing date,
                                                                                                                                    of property across Edinburgh,                           down from
                                                                                                                                     the Lothians, Fife and the                                26.1%
                                                                                                                                    Borders was £280,271
                                                                                                                                     during March-August 2024:
                                                                                                                                     1.2% higher than the same
                                                                                                                                          time last year

                                                                                                                                                                                        Slightly slower selling times overall,
                                                                                                                                                                                        but the market still moved at a
                                                                                                                                                                                        brisk pace.
          Average selling prices experience a               Buyers paid closer to Home Report                                        The market enjoyed a healthy balance
                                                                                                                                                                                        The median selling time for property across
          slight increase across the regions.               valuation across the regions.                                            of listings and sales across the regions.          Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Borders was 23

          The average property selling price across         Properties for sale across Edinburgh, the Lothians,                      Throughout March-August 2024, the property market   days during March-August 2024, which is two days
          Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Borders     Fife and the Borders attained 102.1% of their Home                       across Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Borders   slower than the same time last year. However, this
          experienced a marginal annual increase during     Report valuation on average during March-August                          enjoyed a healthy burst of activity, with notable   is likely due to rising numbers of properties coming
          March-August 2024, with the new average selling   2024, which is 1.2 percentage points less than the                       increases in both the volumes of properties coming   onto the market, meaning buyers take more time to
          price reaching £280,271.                          same time last year. As we will see throughout                           onto the market, and subsequent sales.             consider their options – and properties are still selling
                                                            this report, this is a trend which affects all areas                                                                        in just over three weeks, making for a very healthy
          Unsurprisingly, the City of Edinburgh claimed the   and could largely be due to increasing numbers                         During this period, new property insertions rose by   pace for sellers to enjoy.
          highest average selling price at £298,848, while   of properties coming onto the market, lowering                          13.1%, meaning that there were plenty of options coming
          the most affordable region in which to purchase a   competition and allowing buyers to make more                           onto the market to sate demand from buyers. This was   Dalgety Bay, in West Fife & Kinross, was the place
          home was Dumfries & Galloway at £187,451.         savvy bids, with less pressure on them to pay high                       matched very well by a 14.2% boost in property sales,   where properties sold the fastest, with a median
                                                            premiums to secure a home.                                               signalling a thriving and busy market across the regions   selling time of only 11 days. This is 14 days faster
          Within the regions, Greenbank, in the sought-                                                                              with a very healthy balance of supply and demand.   than the same time last year, showing extremely
          after Edinburgh South, was the most expensive     The affluent Edinburgh neighbourhood of Colinton                                                                            high demand for homes in this picturesque coastal
          neighbourhood in which to purchase a property,    Mains attracted the highest premium, with buyers                         Dunfermline offered the most properties for sale,   commuter town.
          with an average selling price of £544,136. By     bidding an average of 106.5% of the Home Report                          followed by Leith, Corstorphine, Musselburgh and
          contrast, Dumfries Town was the most affordable   valuation in order to purchase a property in this                        Liberton – this was mirrored exactly in the areas with   Overall, three-bedroom family houses in Galashiels
          area, with homes selling for an average of £140,555.     well-heeled locale.                                               the highest volumes of property sales.             were the quickest sellers, flying off the market in just
                                                                                                                                                                                        eight days – 24 days faster than the median selling
          The most affordable property type on the market   74.2% of properties sold for at least their Home                         Two-bedroom flats in Leith were both the most      time for this property type in March-August 2023.
          was one-bedroom flats in the Scottish Borders     Report valuation figure, down from 79.3% in                              commonly listed property type and the biggest seller,
          town of Galashiels, which came with an average    March-August 2023, however this is indicative of                         continuing a trend we have seen throughout 2024 so far.  22.7% of properties for sale set a closing date, down
          price tag of £60,568.                             the current market status. It demonstrates that                                                                             from 26.1% in March-August 2023, however this is
                                                            sellers may be more open to accepting lower bids                         81.2% of properties coming onto the market were listed   to be expected given the lower pressure on buyers
                                                            to secure a quicker sale and onward purchase,                            for ‘offers over’, which is 4.4 percentage points higher   and the rising numbers of properties on the market.
                                                            which is good news for buyers and allows the                             than the levels seen in March-August 2023 and is   Inverkeithing boasted the highest levels of closing
                                                            market to keep moving at a healthy pace.                                 indicative of high seller confidence in their property’s   dates, with 50% of homes for sale in this town
                                                                                                                                     potential despite higher competition.              choosing to set one.

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