Page 22 - August 2023
P. 22

EXPERT ADVICE                                                                                                                                       EXPERT ADVICE

               Five top tips on professional property                                              Five top tips for remortgaging in 2023
                                 management                                                        ESPC Mortgages’ David Lauder shares top tips for those whose fixed

                                                                                                                     term is coming to an end.
       Thinking of investing in property? Nicky Lloyd, Head of ESPC Lettings, explains the
      reasons why you should consider using a professional property management service.
                                                                                                Do your research                     Choose the right mortgage term
                                     01     Be business minded.                                 Find out when your fixed term is coming to   It may be tempting for your budget to
        n recent years, stock levels of     Employ the best people to look after your       an end, to avoid incurring any early repayment   pick the longest available term, but you need to
        rental property in Edinburgh                                                        charges, and the earliest date that your current   think carefully. Speaking with an independent
      Ihave been outweighed by the          property – it’s your asset and you need to make   provider  will  offer  new  options.  Also,  find   mortgage adviser can help you to gauge
                                            sure it’s being well looked after.
      sheer demand from tenants. There                                                      out  your loan-to-value. If  it’s close to a  rate   what the most appropriate option is for your
      simply aren’t enough properties                                                       threshold, speak with your lender to see if this   personal circumstances.
      available for rent, and with that in   02  Don’t get too emotionally involved.        can reduce your mortgage rate.
      mind, more and more people are        Think about the type of tenant you want to                                               Remember to factor in fees
      considering investing in the buy-to-  attract and whether they will be happy in your      Get independent advice
      let property market.                  property, rather than imagining yourself there.                                          Keep an eye out for upfront fees and other
                                            Make it bright, clean, attractive and welcoming,    Speak to  an  independent  mortgage   costs that may affect the overall value of your
      However, being a landlord doesn’t     but you don’t need to blow the budget on        adviser with access to the whole market, who   mortgage deal, such as title deed release fees
                                                                                                                                 to leave your existing provider, or any CHAPS
                                                                                            can guide you on the available options. Work
      end  with  signing  a  contract  with   making it your personal dream home.           out a true costing of the best overall option,   payments  to  transfer  the  mortgage  across.
      your new tenant. Being a landlord                                                     factoring in any arrangement fees. Be mindful   Most remortgage options should provide free
      requires planning, care and keeping   03  Keep it well-maintained.                    that staying with your current provider can be   standard legal work to transfer across, plus a
      up with constant changes to           Tenants are willing to pay good rent for good   quicker,  meaning  more  chance  of  securing   free standard valuation, but anything non-
      legislation and regulations. That’s   properties, and by keeping the property well-   a  deal  at  the  current  rate  –  plus,  they  won’t   standard may incur additional costs.
      where ESPC Lettings and our           maintained, you’re also likely to keep that tenant   proceed with affordability assessments if you’re
      professional property management      for longer. Additionally, you’re more likely to   not changing the mortgage amount or term.
      service can help – here are our top   attract a tenant who will treat the property with
      five tips on managing your property.  the same respect as their own home.
                                                                                                Forward plan
      If that sounds like a lot of work,   04  Regular inspections                              Think about your intentions before
      remember that ESPC Lettings           Booking in inspections on a regular basis       securing your next mortgage. How long do
      can handle all these tasks for you,   ensures that your tenants are looking after     you plan to live in your current home? What
      plus much more, as part of the        the property, but this can also highlight any   about family plans or career changes? Try to
      property  management  service  we     maintenance that may be required and gives      avoid securing a preferential rate which would
      provide. To find out more, contact    tenants the opportunity to flag any small snags   tie you in beyond your expectations, which
      ESPC Lettings on 0131 253 2847 or     that might later turn into bigger issues.       may impact  your  mortgage  choices  for any                                                                    onward purchase.
                                     05     Find the right tenant.
                                            Reference and affordability checks are an
                                                                                            The initial consultation with an ESPC Mortgages adviser is free   responsibility is accepted for any errors which, despite our
                                            important part of the application process. Make   and without obligation. Thereafter, ESPC Mortgages charges for   precautions, it may contain.
                                            sure to check the applicant’s employment        mortgage  advice  are  usually  £395  (£345  for  first-time  buyers).
                                            status and previous landlord references to feel   YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP   The Financial Ombudsman Service is available to sort out individual
                                                                                            REPAYMENTS ON A MORTGAGE OR OTHER LOANS SECURED   complaints  that  clients  and  financial  services  businesses  aren’t
                                            reassured that you have found a great tenant.   AGAINST IT.                          able to resolve themselves. To contact the Financial Ombudsman
                                                                                                                                 Service, please visit
                                                                                            The  information  contained  within  this  article  is  subject  to  the
       ESPC Lettings is an Edinburgh letting agent. We can help with marketing your rental property and finding the right tenants.   UK regulatory regime and therefore restricted to consumers   ESPC (UK) Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Lyncombe
       Contact the team on 0131 253 2847 or                              based in the UK. It has been provided in good faith. Whilst every   Consultants Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial
                                                                                            care has been taken in the preparation of the information, no   Conduct Authority.
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