Page 17 - August 2023
P. 17


 The House Price Report: July 2023
           140                                2,000          650,000

 We examine the latest facts and figures from the property market   solicitor estate agents  homes    My ESPC emails
           ready to help you buy and sell homes  for sale    sent during July
 throughout May-July 2023.

 uring May-July 2023, the average selling   For  first-time  buyers,  areas  including
 price of property across Edinburgh, the   Musselburgh, Gorgie and Dunfermline offered   Less properties were sold during May-July 2023;   reduction in the amount that buyers are bidding
 DLothians, Fife and the Borders held   a variety of property types selling on average   the figures show a 10% decrease in comparison   over Home Report is aligned with this. It’s clear
 steady, with a marginal increase of 0.4% taking   for less than the LBTT threshold price of   to the same time last year, which we could   to see that the market is holding well and while
 the average to £287,820. This shows that the   £175,000.   attribute to the cost-of-living crisis and/or   the frenzy of the past few years has slowed, the
 property market overall has retained composure   mortgage  rates  making  it  more  difficult  for   market is still performing very well overall.
 during a year of turbulent economics.  80% of properties sold for at least their Home   buyers to secure a property purchase.
 Report valuation, which is strong news for   “It’s a positive sign that there are still areas
 East Lothian and Midlothian property prices   sellers, however this figure is down from 93% at   The number of properties listed for sale held   available for first-time buyers to secure homes
 increased  slightly  by  around  2%,  taking  the   the same time last year, when the market was   steady  too  –  a  marginal  1%  decrease  in  the   under the LBTT threshold,  and  that  there is
 averages  there  to  £289,387  and  £256,027   very competitive.   volumes shows that there are still plenty of   strong sales data for one- and two-bedroom
 respectively.  available homes, and potentially more sellers in   flats in areas like Leith, Dunfermline and Gorgie.
 Homes  achieved  on  average  103.8%  of  their   the market than buyers at the current time. This   We want to see more first-time buyers in the
 By  contrast,  West  Lothian  experienced  the   Home Report valuation during this period. This   means some good news for buyers, who have   market, and when you look past the headlines,
 largest decrease in average selling price, with   is  4.8  percentage  points  less  than  the  same   more options and more buying power, and could   and dive into the data, there is still much to
 a dip of 8% in comparison to May-July 2022,   time last year; however, we would expect to see   take more time to decide on their future home,   be  positive  about  for  those  beginning  their
 meaning the average sat at £242,323.  this as buyers are more cautious.  coinciding with a slowing in median selling times   property journey, including the increase in
        – 19 days, six days slower than last year.   the availability of fixed-price listings, meaning
                                             buyers can avoid the dreaded ‘double deposit’.
 In Edinburgh, different areas saw different   In sharp contrast to previous years, more
 circumstances  –  the  city  centre  experienced   properties  were  listed  for  a  fixed  price  –  our   One-bedroom flats in Leith sold in the highest
 a  6%  decrease  in  the  average  selling  price   data shows a 62% increase in the volume of   volumes,  increasing  25%  year-on-year;  this   “If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home
 (taking it to £341,185), however the South West’s   properties listed this way.  hints at more first-time buyers in the market or   in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife or the Borders,
 average selling prices rose 7% to £380,382.   investors looking to secure a property in one of   contact your local ESPC solicitor estate agent.”
        the city’s hotspots, or to maximise on the impact
        of the new tram extension launched in June.
        There was also a reduction in the percentage of
 Key points  £287,820   from 38% the year before.
        properties going to a closing date: 29%, down

 average selling price
        Paul Hilton, CEO of ESPC, said: “The start of
 The average selling price increased by 0.4% year-on-year to £287,820.
        summer is traditionally a quieter period for the
        property market, and along with the current
        financial climate, the figures from ESPC’s latest
 103.8%  19 days  House Price Report are not unexpected.
 average percentage of Home   median time to sell
 Report valuation achieved  “We would expect to see buyers behaving more
        cautiously, and considering their bids even more
 On average, buyers paid 103.8% of   The median selling time for   carefully than  before,  so the  data showing a
 Home Report valuation, down 4.8   properties was 19 days, six days   steadying of the average selling price, as well as
 percentage points.  slower than 2022.  slower selling times, fewer closing dates and a

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