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 Viewings 101

 Want to make the most of a property
 viewing? Derek Brien, Head of Sales
 at VMH, shares his top tips to make   Book a second viewing
 sure you make every moment count.  If you can, arrange a second viewing, ideally at
 a different time of day to ensure you don’t miss
 any potential issues. Take someone with you
 Do your research  for a second opinion and, more importantly, to
 It’s important to view a property as soon as   have another pair of eyes looking round.  Make Murrayfield Home
 possible, but do your homework first. Examine
 the  photos  and  floor  plan  to  make  sure  the   Be friendly  Torwood is a superb development of 28 homes
 layout and position of the property will suit   Getting on with the seller can be helpful when   in highly sought-after Murrayfield. The remaining
 your needs. Read the Home Report thoroughly,   the time comes to make an offer.  Building a   properties include: one half of the original Victorian
 so you’re aware of any issues you might have   relationship at the outset may give you the
 to deal with. If it’s in a new location, visit   edge over other buyers.  And remember, you   villa, which has been converted into a stunning
 beforehand to get a feel for the area, the local   are viewing someone’s home, so try not to   5-bedroom home; the 3-bedroom coach house;
 amenities, transport links, parking restrictions   voice any negative comments on décor or   and 12 contemporary, luxury apartments.
 and any traffic disturbances.   other aspects.

 Take your time  Give feedback
 Buying a property is one of the biggest   Most solicitor estate agents will contact you
 purchases you’ll make, so give yourself enough   after your viewing, so you can let them know
 time to have a good look around.  Depending   your thoughts, which can then be fed back
 on the size of the property, allow for at least    to the seller. At this point you could ask the   Prices start from £720,000
 20-30 minutes for each viewing.  Don’t be   selling agent to provide you with answers   To arrange a viewing call
 afraid to ask questions, or to look inside   to any questions you may still have, before
 cupboards or the loft.  deciding how to proceed.  Behnam Afshar on 07967 322025
                                           or email
 If you’re looking to discuss your property sale, get in touch with VMH on 0131 622 2626 or visit for more information.
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