Page 24 - January 2024
P. 24


           What’s going to happen in the mortgage                                           Increase in the number of 5-10% deposit   What impact will recent events have on
                              market in 2024?                                               mortgages available                  the Edinburgh property market?
                                                                                                                                 The  Edinburgh  market  is  certainly  better
                                                                                            Mortgage lenders are still showing a greater
                                                                                            amount of confidence with a wider range of   placed and more robust than almost all the
            David Lauder, Independent Mortgage Adviser with ESPC Mortgages,                 lenders willing to consider a 5% deposit. This   rest of the UK and should still remain strong.
            makes some predictions for the 2024 mortgage and property market.               should help first-time buyers, who are perhaps
                                                                                            renting  at  present  and  in  essence  paying   ESPC Mortgages
                                                                                            someone else’s mortgage. The challenge for   To summarise, we at ESPC Mortgages remain
                                                                                            many clients with smaller deposits has been   optimistic for 2024. The mortgage market is
         n  the  current  climate,  making  predictions   As  2024  progresses,  the  hope  is  that  buyers’   the common theme of properties selling well   still competitive and there are good solutions
         is a difficult task. However, here is some of   and  sellers’  confidence  will  return  but  it   over the valuation; mortgage lending is based   to  be  found,  tailored  to  the  client’s  needs.
      Iwhat I expect to see in the mortgage and   certainly  seems  that  there’s  a  bigger  window   on the lower of purchase price or valuation,   The  team  look  forward  to  this  continuing
      property market in 2024.             of opportunity for buyers, particularly first-time   which  means  any  price  paid  over  the  value   throughout  2024  and  to  another  successful
                                           buyers who have a better opportunity of getting   cannot  be  used  as  part  of  the  deposit  for   year of mortgage approvals.
      Will 2024 be a sellers’ or a buyers’ market   a  property  much  closer  to  valuation.  This  will   mortgage  purposes.  It’s  for  this  reason  that
      in Edinburgh and the surrounding areas?  allow most of their hard-earned deposit to be   deposits often need to be higher than 5%. We   We will work to help more and more people
      As 2023 drew to a close, we saw the market   used for the mortgage, as opposed to the offers   expect these clients will have a better chance   get  their  dream  property  and  are  available
      slowly  cooling  down  and  less  activity,  which   over valuation, which has been a regular feature   in 2024 of getting properties closer to Home   to help existing and new clients review their
      is expected for the time of year. However, on   in previous years. This should, in principle, mean   Report  value  and  therefore  find  it  easier  to   existing  mortgage  arrangements  to  ensure
                                                                                            fund the mortgage deposit.
      average, properties still achieved around 103%   the  buyer  gets  more  house  for  their  money,                         they have the most suitable solutions during
      of  Home  Report  valuation,  although  this  is   which can offset any potential increase in                              their mortgage journey.
      a  reduction  on  the  2022  average,  which  was   monthly repayments with the rate increases we   Hopefully,  help  may  become  available  from
      closer to 107%.                      saw last year.                                   Government  initiative  schemes,  which  can
                                                                                            provide  options,  although  no  firm  details  of
                                           Interest rate changes in 2023 and                any new initiatives are currently available.
                                           predictions for 2024
                                           We  saw  regular  Bank  of  England  rate  rises
                                           during  2023  up  to  the  present  rate  of  5.25%,
                                           however  there  have  been  no  increases  since
                                           September. Much will depend on inflation and
                                           all its variables; however, the Bank of England
                                           expects the base rate to remain consistent until
                                           springtime, with the hope of a gradual decline
                                           after this, to reach closer to 4.25% by 2024’s end.

                                           The good news is that we’ve seen some stability
                                           in mortgage interest rates recently and are now
                                           regularly receiving fixed-rate reductions on new
                                           products. However, interest rates are unlikely to   ESPC mortgages offer expert independent mortgage advice in Edinburgh. Whether you are looking for first time buyer
                                                                                              mortgage advice, are interested in finding out more about buy-to-let mortgages or would like to re-mortgage, get in
                                           return to the record low levels seen during the                   touch with the team on 0131 253 2920 or
                                           2010s, and more likely settle at a level below the
                                           current, but higher than we saw post-Covid.

                                                                                            The initial consultation with an ESPC Mortgages adviser is free and without obligation.   responsibility is accepted for any errors which, despite our precautions, it may contain.
                                           The lenders typically price rates of swap rates   Thereafter, ESPC Mortgages’ charges for mortgage advice are usually £395 (£345
                                                                                            for first-time buyers). YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP   The Financial Ombudsman Service is available to sort out individual complaints that
                                           which are not always a direct correlation with the   UP  REPAYMENTS  ON  A  MORTGAGE  OR  OTHER  LOANS  SECURED  AGAINST  IT.   clients and financial services businesses aren’t able to resolve themselves. To contact
                                                                                                                                 the  Financial  Ombudsman  Service,  please  visit
                                           Bank of England base rate.                       The information contained within this article is subject to the UK regulatory regime
                                                                                            and therefore restricted to consumers based in the UK. It has been provided in good   ESPC (UK) Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Lyncombe Consultants Ltd which is
                                                                                            faith. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the information, no   authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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