Page 27 - January 2024
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historical homes Traditional tenement buildings (i.e., those Proposed changes to the laws of
tenement maintenance
built before 1919) are also at greater risk of
developing damp and mould, which can be The Edinburgh Building Retrofit and
difficult and expensive to put right. Improvement Collective is a group of
The laws around tenement maintenance are changing organisations dedicated to improving the
– what do you need to know? However, repairs aren’t always easy to quality of life for Edinburgh tenement
arrange, particularly when it comes to homeowners, by improving the buildings
those required in the common areas of the they call home. The group has made some
f you have ever lived in Edinburgh, it’s very What are the current issues? tenement building. Owners of tenement proposals to the Scottish Government
likely that, at some point, you might have Across Scotland, traditional properties, such flats are jointly responsible with their surrounding changes to tenement
Ilived in a tenement flat. as tenement flats, are generally in a poor and co-owners to maintain the common parts maintenance law:
failing condition, due to decades of neglect of the building, namely those that provide
Scotland is famous for its traditional tenement and general weathering. Roofs, windows, support and shelter. Building inspections
buildings, and in Edinburgh, it’s estimated chimneys, stonework and plumbing that’s The “scheme property” of all tenements
that tenement-style properties make up hundreds of years old can cause myriad issues There are other issues in the pipeline for should be inspected every five years and
around two-thirds of its total housing stock. with the building’s structure, and inappropriate tenement owners to consider too; with the a report made available to existing or
Many of these are located across the city’s repairs can exacerbate many issues, such as Scottish Government’s current consultation prospective owners and tenants, as well
World Heritage sites, making them incredibly the common ‘fix’ of using cement in tenement on the Heating in Buildings Bill and other as neighbours and policymakers.
important to the history of the Capital, and brickwork or pointing, which can affect announcements to be made around the
therefore essential to conserve. breathability and cause leaks, mould and other EPC certification of properties. Tenement Establishing compulsory owners’
damp issues. owners are likely to be faced with difficulties
There have been new laws proposed and expenses when it comes to retrofitting associations
surrounding tenement maintenance and Largely, many tenement owners are unaware and the transition to making properties The collective believes that owners’
timely repairs, so if you own a tenement flat, of the extent of the damage facing their closer to net zero. associations are essential, by providing
read on to find out how this could affect you properties, until they are forced to act – perhaps leadership, effective decision-making,
and your property. from a sudden leak, or a dangerous stone fall. What help is available? and the ability of groups to enter into
The dedicated tenement repair and retrofit contracts.
Stone falls (where parts of a stone building, support organisation Under One Roof
such as a tenement, literally fall off the offers help and advice to tenement owners. There are complex policy and technical
building on to the street below) are sadly more There are also several grants available from issues in introducing legislation to create
common than ever in Edinburgh. There were Edinburgh World Heritage, which can fund this model, which are being reviewed by
143 dangerous buildings reported to Edinburgh traditional, appropriate repairs to properties the Scottish Law Commission and will be
City Council as of November 2023, following on that sit within Edinburgh’s World Heritage recommended to Parliament within the
from a count of 201 reported the previous year. sites and their immediate vicinity. next two years.
Sudden leaks are considered part and parcel For tenement owners looking to improve Establishment of Building Reserve
of tenement life, but according to experts, their home’s environmental impact, Funds
this shouldn’t be the case. Water ingress can Edinburgh World Heritage’s Climate Common in Europe, this goes hand-in-
cause rot throughout the property, and is also Change Emergency Grant opens its third hand with the establishment of owners’
an expensive fix. It can be caused by many round of funding in 2024. Owners of associations. A minimum amount is paid
things: from blocked gutters to ageing piping, pre-1919 buildings can apply for funding for into a jointly owned bank account for the
roof slates and stonework, all of which can be energy efficiency improvements, alongside ongoing maintenance of the communal
ignored for years by homeowners. conservation repairs. building.
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