Page 31 - January 2024
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EXPERT ADVICE                                                    INTERIORS INSIDER

                         The New Year
 The best places to buy-to-let in Edinburgh

 ESPC Lettings’ Nicky Lloyd reveals the postcodes offering    Home Report
 the highest rental yields.

 I f you’re interested in becoming a landlord in Edinburgh, or in expanding your current   We bring you the interiors trends

 portfolio, knowing the best areas to invest in is key to success.

 The latest rental data from Citylets, combined   you need to know in 2024.
 with  house  price  information  from  ESPC,   EH4: Stockbridge, Barnton, Cramond
 shows  that  there  were  three  postcodes  in   and Blackhall
 Edinburgh that offered the best rental yields   EH4  offers  great  access  to  the  city,  the   f you’re considering a home makeover   Anglepoise table lamp, £149.00,
 during the third quarter of 2023.  to mark the new year, we’ve got some
 coast and green spaces, as well as fantastic   Ifood for thought to help you hone your
 schooling  options  and  transport  links,   home interiors. After years of cottagecore,
 making it a very popular choice.   70s retro-kitsch and jewel tones, 2024 is
 EH3: New Town
        bringing some fresh trends to the interiors
 Properties here performed especially well,   One-bedroom  homes  in  EH4  provided   scene,  with  everything  from  the  return
 as increasing numbers of tenants sought   a  rental  yield  of  6.5%  during  the  third   of  2000s  minimalism  to  Italian-inspired
 rental  properties  in  the  highly  desirable   quarter  of  2023,  while  two-bedroom   grandeur.
 New Town.   homes  offered  7.2%  on  average,  and
 three-bedroom  homes  had  an  average   Trends come and go, so it’s important to
 One-bedroom properties in EH3 achieved   yield of 6%.  not take them too literally – instead, try a
 an  average  rental  yield  of  7.3%  during   sprinkle  of  whichever  trends  tickle  your
 July-September 2023, while two-bedroom   Nicky  Lloyd,  Head  of  ESPC  Lettings,   fancy throughout your home, to create a
 properties  offered  6.2%.  Three-bedroom   said:  “Throughout  2023,  Edinburgh’s   look that feels distinctly ‘you’.
 homes had an average yield of 5.9%.  rental  market  continued  to  be  under
 staggering levels of demand, with many
 more  renters  looking  for  homes  than   Quiet luxury
 there  were  available  properties.  Even   One of 2023’s biggest interior trends is set   Stoneware vases, £45 for three,
 EH12: Corstorphine and Murrayfield  during  traditionally  quieter  periods,  we   to continue into 2024, and it’s a great one
 Homes  in  EH12  also  performed  strongly,   are continuing to see huge demand for   to  bring  into  your  home,  whatever  your
 with properties here proving popular with   homes in the city which we expect to see   taste.  In  a  nutshell,  quiet  luxury  means
 a range of renters.  carry on into 2024.  bringing  in  understated  items  that  are
                                                                     Wool throw, £79,
        high  in  quality  and  offer  a  sumptuous,       
 In this postcode, one-bedroom properties   “Properties  of  all  sizes  have  seen  a  rise   rich  quality  –  think  cashmere  or  merino
 performed  strongest,  with  an  average   in  demand,  but  one-bedroom  properties   blankets, heavyweight curtains, thick rugs
 gross  rental  yield  of  7.3%,  while  two-  have been especially popular, while two-  and  simple,  unfussy  accessories,  in  an
 bedroom homes had a yield of 6.8%, and   bedroom  homes  have  experienced  the   elegant palette of navy, camel, terracotta,
 three-beds offered 5.3% on average.  largest rise in rental rates.”  cream and beige. The key to quiet luxury
        is buying the best quality you can afford –
        this timeless trend ensures you’ll be using
        these items for the long haul.
 ESPC Lettings is an Edinburgh letting agent. We can help with marketing your rental property and finding the right tenants.
 Contact the team on 0131 253 2847 or
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