Page 28 - January 2024
P. 28

         Musseling in                                                                                                              Outdoor Adventures

                                                                                                                                 Lovers of the great outdoors will enjoy the
                                                                                                                                 plentiful  green  space  that  Musselburgh
                                              on the competition                                                                 has to offer. The town includes many local
                                                                                                                                 parks and sporting grounds, but also wilder
                                                                                                                                 scenery  to  enjoy,  including  the  beautiful
                                                                                                                                 Musselburgh Lagoons.
             We take you on a deep dive into Musselburgh – East Lothian’s most
                              in-demand neighbourhood.                                                                           Coastal  living  wouldn’t  be  complete  without
                                                                                                                                 a walk beside the water, and there are routes
                                                                                                                                 along the harbour and beach, as well as the river
                                                                                            You’ll  also  find  Queen  Margaret  University   Esk, where you can admire beautiful sculptures
                                                                                            directly  beside  the  train  station,  making   and gorgeous scenery along the way.
         f  we  asked  you  which  East  Lothian                                            Musselburgh an ideal place to find a long-term
         neighbourhood  was  the  region’s  most                                            family home, seeing your family from toddler
      Ipopular  place  to  call  home,  you’d  be                                           years to teenagers and beyond.         Transport
       forgiven for thinking of the renowned seaside                                                                             Commuters love the ease of Musselburgh for
       town of North Berwick. Indeed, in recent years                                         Culture                            travelling  into  Edinburgh.  You  can  choose  to
       North Berwick’s sought-after status has only                                                                              travel by train, which takes just seven minutes
       expanded,  as  many  buyers  reassessed  their                                       Take  a  trip  to  Newhailes  House,  a  National   to reach Waverley, or by bus, where an array
       requirements  and  moved  out  of  the  city  to                                     Trust  for  Scotland  property  rich  in  history,   of regular routes can transport you to the city
       this charming coastal gem.                                                           where you can admire the architecture, take a   centre in around 40 minutes. Drivers can reach
                                                                                            walk around the stunning gardens and enjoy a   the heart of the action in around 20 minutes,
       However, in 2023, there was one town in East                                         coffee in the Stables Café.          or if you’re a keen cyclist, the traffic-free cycle
       Lothian that was more popular than any other                                                                              route  into  Edinburgh  is  six  miles  long  and
       with ESPC house-hunters: Musselburgh.                                                Eskmills Venue has a regular schedule of party   travels  through  disused  railway  tunnels  and
                                                                                            nights,  dinners  and  music  events,  and  while   past Arthur’s Seat for a picturesque commute.
       Located just six miles outside of Edinburgh,                                         the  much-loved  Brunton  Theatre  is  currently
       Musselburgh  is  the  first  port  of  call  when                                    undergoing  structural  works,  a  regular     Food and Drink
       travelling  from  the  capital  to  East  Lothian.                                   programme of shows, cinema and events has
       It  neighbours  the  hugely  popular  seaside                                        been outsourced to other local venues.   Musselburgh’s  dining  scene  has  grown  in
       suburbs  of  Portobello  and  Joppa,  but  its                                                                            recent years;  it’s  long  been  home  to  the
       property prices are much lower in comparison,                                          Sport                              famous  Luca’s  ice  cream,  which  is  a  must-
       making  it  a  sensible  choice  for  those  who                                                                          visit,  but  now  it’s  added  the  highly-regarded
       want the coastal lifestyle at a more affordable                                      While it offers plenty of sports opportunities,   East Coast seafood restaurant and chip shop
       price.  For  example,  the  average  property                                        including football and rugby clubs, Musselburgh   to its offering, alongside Italian bistro Crolla’s,
       price in Musselburgh for 2023 was £243,237 –     Education                           is most famous for golf and horse racing. The   charming brunch spot Miro’s Village, and the
       meanwhile, a property in Portobello would set                                        town  is  home  to  four  golf  courses,  including   newly-refurbished  The  Ship  Inn.  There  are
       you back £325,855 on average.       Musselburgh is home to a selection of schools,   a links course and the Old Course, one of the   plenty of places to enjoy a delicious meal with
                                           from  nurseries  through  to  a  university,  both   oldest golf courses worldwide.   family and friends, all within walking distance
       Property prices aside, here are just some of   religious  and  non-denominational.  Secondary                             of home.
       the  reasons  why  Musselburgh  is  a  fantastic   establishments include the popular Musselburgh   Then  there’s  the  ever-popular  Musselburgh
       place  to  live,  and  why  so  many  buyers  are   Grammar School, while Loretto School is a highly   Racecourse, which offers regular meets for a   Are you ready to find a home in Musselburgh?
       flocking to find a home in the ‘Honest Toun’.  regarded independent and boarding school.   grand day out.                 Head to today to start your search.

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