Page 40 - January 2024
P. 40

          Designing dreams

         Interior designer Susan Wall found a home packed with potential on ESPC.

           randing and interior designer                                                                                             Susan’s  search  for  a  new  home  took
           Susan  Wall  had  always  loved                                                                                           around  three  months,  and  she  spotted
      Ba property with character; her                                                                                                the  property  that  would  become  her
       former  home  was  in  a  converted                                                                                           home  in  ESPC’s  weekly  paper,  before
       schoolhouse,  so  she  knew  that  when                                                                                       popping  into  the  Property  Information
       the time came to move, it would be to                                                                                         Centre  on  George  Street  to  pick  up
       another property that had potential and                                                                                       the  property’s  brochure  and  booking  a
       personality in abundance, as well as an                                                                                       viewing.  Although,  as  Susan  explains,  it
       enviable location. Luckily, back in 2014,                                                                                     wasn’t exactly love at first sight: “I wasn’t
       she found a garden flat in Edinburgh’s                                                                                        in love with the property, but I really did
       West End that offered all the charm she                                                                                       love the location and the access to one
       was searching for, as well as that crucial                                                                                    of Edinburgh’s largest and most beautiful
       admirable address.                                                                                                            private  gardens.  Comparing  the  price
                                                                                                                                     and the space to many other garden
       “I  knew  I  wanted  to  live  somewhere                                                                                      flats  I  viewed,  this  one  stood  out  and
       more  central  with  my  next  home,  in                                                                                      certainly had potential. It was more of a
       a  sought-after  area,”  Susan  explains.                                                                                     traditional style than I was used to, as my
       “I  sold  my  previous  home  for  a                                                                                          previous home was very open plan, which
       disappointing price during a downturn                                                                                         I enjoyed, so I knew I’d have to adjust to
       in  the  market,  which  was  a  lengthy                                                                                      more traditional room layouts.”
       process and a taxing one too. I knew I
       wanted my next property to be a safer                                                                                         Offer  accepted,  Susan  moved  into  the
       investment  after  that  experience,  so                                                                                      property a short time later, and set about
       I  opted  for  the  best  location  I  could                                                                                  making plans to reconfigure the space.
       find  –  I  had  paid  the  price  by  not
       choosing a desirable location with the                                                                                        “I  felt  that  the  property  needed  some
       schoolhouse. I also wanted a garden,                                                                                          level of renovation, as it felt a little bland
       to  fulfil  my  ambition  of  owning  a                                                                                       to me. My first move was to get planning
       dog  (now  happily  installed!),  a  good-                                                                                    permission  to  take  down  some  of  the
       sized  kitchen  and  two  or  three                                                                                           walls – on reflection, I was probably still
       bedrooms  to  accommodate  guests                                                                                             in  ‘open-plan  living  mode’!  After  a  few
       who stay over often.”                                                                                                         months of being in the flat

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