Page 43 - January 2024
P. 43


        wall  panelling  and  country  kitchen-esque   felt  like  it  was  falling  into  the  flat.”  The  new
        tongue-and-groove  panelling,  contrasting   space now enjoys an open aspect that Susan
        shaker-style  kitchen  cabinetry  with  modern   says  has  brought  nature  and  light  inside  the
        metro  tiling,  and  combining  antique-style   property. “It offers different social and usable
        furniture  with  contemporary,  country-chic   spaces, and now that there’s new planting and
        pieces, as well as mixing fabric textures and   accent lighting throughout, it feels like you’re
        tones for that luxurious feel she was looking   actually on holiday when you’re sitting outside!”.
        for. The end result is soft, incredibly chic and
 and understanding how I lived in the space, I   Susan  wanted  her  home  to  provide  a  sense
 found that the existing layout really worked   of  luxury,  alongside  a  cosy  blend  of  town   screams comfort – exactly the kind of space   With the property now ticking every box for
 for me, and I’m still so pleased that I didn’t go   and  country  design.  She  set  about  carefully   you’d love to come home to after a long day.  Susan and her beloved dog, it’s become the
 ahead with those plans.”  redesigning  each  of  the  spaces  to  turn  the   home of her dreams and the place she had
 flat into the home of her design dreams, and   “I  have  a  few  favourite  things  about  the   hoped  to  find.  She  has  plenty  of  advice  to
 The  previous  owners  of  the  garden  flat   something she could include as part of her own   property  now,”  laughs  Susan.  “The  glass-  share with those considering making similar
 had  already  undertaken  extensive  works   property transformation portfolio. Adopting   covered garden room has had a total change   changes  to  their  own  property:  “Unless  you
 themselves,  including  doubling  the  size  of   an  elegant  palette  of  dusty  deep  blue,  duck   in  personality  –  it’s  now  a  light-filled  office,   have a clear vision from the outset, try living in
 the kitchen, as well as creating a utility room   egg  blue,  chalky  grey  and  soft,  warm  taupe   where  it  used  to  be  an  unimpressive  and   the property for a while, and understand the
 and  new  bathroom,  so  the  property  was   and  cream,  Susan  enhanced  the  property’s   ignored bolt-on space. I completely ripped the   space to find out what does and doesn’t work
 in  very  good  condition  overall.  Other  than   character with the clever use of both Victorian   bathroom out, and the new one has a real wow   for  you.  Then,  if  budget  allows  (or  if  you’re
 painting the property and injecting her own   factor about it. I also love the internal spare   willing to DIY!), collect images of interiors or
 personality,  Susan  explains  that  she  didn’t   room, which has become a dressing room full   gardens that you like and use the inspiration
 make any major changes to the flat for years,   of my unending passion for hats!”.  to implement them into your home. If you’re
 until a chance comment from a friend inspired   feeling lost or stressed about what to do, look
 her: “Following lockdown, and with my interior   It wasn’t just the property’s interior that had an   online for a local interior designer who will be
 design business by then in full flow, a friend of   overhaul;  Susan  also  completely  transformed   able to guide and show you a vision of what
 mine said to me, ‘You create such distinctive   the  multi-level  garden,  which  previously  was   your home can become – it’s probably simpler
 homes  for  others,  why  don’t  you  do  this  to   filled with “literally tons of rocks and earth that   and more pleasurable than you’d think!”.
 your  own?’.  The  comment  really  resonated
 with me and gave me the push to make some
 changes – six months later, the exterior and
 interior were both almost unrecognisable. The   If you’d like to keep up with Susan’s designs, you can follow her on Instagram
 flat has had a complete change of character.”  @inspired_interiors_edinburgh, or check out

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