Page 46 - January 2024
P. 46


                                                                                                            We’re thrilled to have partnered with ESPC

                                                                                                            who have planted 1,542 trees this past autumn.

                                                                                                                    David Elliot, CEO of The Future Forest Company

                                                                                                  and  economic  benefits  to  local   Scotland for future generations. We are also
                                                                                                  communities.  The  Future  Forest   delighted that over 1,500 homeowners chose
                                                                                                  Company  ensures  the  ongoing   to  list  their  properties  with  ESPC  Chartered
                                                                                                  success  of  the  woodland  projects   firms this autumn.”
                                                                                                  developed  by  the  organisation,
                                                                                                  promising  greener,  healthier  spaces   David Elliot, CEO of The Future Forest Company
                                                                                                  for the future.                 said:  “We’re  thrilled  to  have  partnered  with
                                                                                                                                  ESPC who have planted 1,542 trees this past
                                                                                                  The  1,542  trees  sponsored  by  ESPC   autumn. We commend ESPC for sharing our
                                                                                                  will  be  located  at  The  Future  Forest   vision  and  contributing  actively  to  a  more
                                                                                                  Company’s  sites  at  Leadloch,  a   sustainable  world.  Planting  trees  is  a  small
                                                                                                  155  hectare  site  in  the  Central   action that creates a rippling impact, helping
                                                                                                  Belt  of  Scotland.  The  site  consists   to  restore  nature  and  combat  the  climate
                                                                                                  of  degraded  peatland,  improved   crisis.  We hope that ESPC’s actions will inspire
                                                                                                  grassland, fenland, and conifer shelter   other businesses to join in these vital efforts to
                                                                                                  belts.  The  Future  Forest  Company   create a future we can all believe in.”
                                                                                                  is  working  to  restore  degraded
                                                                                                  farmland and landscapes, and create   There will be one tree planted for every property
                                                                                                  new woodlands, healthy peatland and   listed for sale with a solicitor estate agency that
                                                                                                  wildlife-rich habitats to restore nature   holds  ESPC  Chartered  status.  This  is  a  new
             ESPC’s collaboration with The Future Forest Company has delivered
                                                                                                  on this site.                   incentive introduced by ESPC in November 2022,
                       the planting of 1,500 new trees in Scotland.                                                               that guarantees the highest level of customer
                                                                                            Paul  Hilton,  CEO  of  ESPC,  commented:  “We   care, quality and service from firms who have
                                                                                            are  very  pleased  to  announce  that  over       chosen to sign up to the policy. Chartered firms
           arlier  this  summer,  ESPC  announced   Forest  Company,  which  is  dedicated  to   1,500 trees will be planted on behalf of ESPC   are also expected to be working towards and in
           that  it  would  be  committing  to  sponsor   reforestation  and  nature  restoration  in  the   and  its  Chartered  member  firms,  following   step with government commitments to be net-
      Ethe  planting  of  one  tree  in  Scotland  for   UK,  working  with  local  communities  in  an   a  bumper  autumn  of  property  listings.  We   zero by 2050. Over a quarter of ESPC member
       every property that was listed for sale with an   aim to create a greener and more resilient   have hugely enjoyed working with The Future   firms  have  signed  up  to  the  Charter  initiative
       ESPC Chartered solicitor estate agency during   country for future generations.      Forest  Company  and  we,  along  with  some   since its launch, with more expected to follow.
       October and November 2023.                                                           representatives  from  our  member  firms,
                                             The  Future  Forest  Company  has  a           learned  a  huge  amount  about  reforestation
       Now we can reveal that this means that 1,542   comprehensive  approach  to  reforestation,   and what we can all do to help the environment,   ESPC team members and firms on site
       trees have been planted in Scotland, thanks to   implementing sustainable land management   when we visited one of their fantastic sites in   with The Future Forest Company
       ESPC customers who chose to list their homes   and  encouraging  native  species  restoration   Stirlingshire early in October. It goes without
       for sale during the autumn period.    to  combat  climate  change.  Its  efforts     saying  that  ESPC  is  delighted  to  be  helping
                                             provide  multiple  benefits,  including  carbon   to  raise  awareness  of  the  fantastic  work
       To facilitate this fantastic project, ESPC linked   sequestration,  improved  air  and  water   The Future Forest Company does, and to be
       up  with  visionary  organisation  The  Future   quality,  biodiversity  preservation,  and  social   helping to create greener communities across

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