Page 44 - January 2024
P. 44

                                                                                                                                              Selection of plants from £8.99
           Trade the tinsel!

               Replace your Christmas tree with

                           new year greenery

             Dobbies highlights how to fill your Christmas tree gap this January.

                                              ow that we’re into 2024 and Christmas trees
                                              are  down,  our  homes  can  be  left  feeling
                                        Na  little  empty.  Dobbies,  the  UK’s  leading
                                        garden centre, believes that January is the perfect
                                        time  to  put  your  houseplants  centre  stage  and
                                        create a green display to fill your Christmas tree void.

                                        Forget festive baubles and twinkling lights, Dobbies
                                        says  the  new  year  is  all  about  embracing  fresh
                                        foliage, and the garden centre’s Senior Houseplant
                                        Buyer, Claire Bishop, has tips on how to breathe life
                                        into your home with plants.

                                        Claire  says:  “Our  Christmas  trees  and  decorations
                                        take up a lot of space, so when these come down,
                                        our homes can suddenly feel bare. A great way to
                                        avoid this is by replacing your festive centrepiece
                                        with a large houseplant to bring your space back
                                        to life.

                                        “Tall standing houseplants like the Dypsis lutescens,   “In  addition  to  larger  houseplants,  if  you’re   the floor or a table to bulk out your display
                                        or  areca  palm,  are  wonderful  for  filling  an  empty   looking  to  fill  a  large  space,  clustering   and  create  dimension  with  varying  textures
                                        corner of your home and making an instant impact.   together plants of varying shapes and sizes   and  tones.  If  you’re  looking  to  add  a  pop
                                        These  elegant  houseplants  are  low  maintenance,   is  an  easy  way  to  create  a  full,  jungle-style   of  colour,  the  cyclamen  is  a  wonderful
                                        making them ideal for beginner houseplant parents,   effect.  Trailing  plants  like  the  Ceropegia   choice  for  January  plant  displays  and  will
                                        and do well in a bright spot planted in a good potting   woodii,  or  string  of  hearts,  make  an  impact   inject a fabulous burst of pink vibrancy to lift
                                        compost.  As  well  as  looking  great,  the  Dypsis   when planted in hanging containers and do   your mood.”
                                        lutescens is a proven air purifier, making it a useful   a great job of filling a space if you have high
                                        addition to homes in winter when it’s too cold to   ceilings. Smaller green plants like the calathea   To explore Dobbies’ new houseplant collection
        Large Areca from £39.99, Calathea from £12.99  keep windows open.                   and  monstera  can  be  grouped  together  on   for 2024, visit

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