Page 21 - November 2023
P. 21


             The missing link

 Finding a happier ending after divorce

 It’s a sad fact that many of us move home because of relationship
 breakdown. Here’s one way to keep the process more amicable, writes
 Nina Taylor, Partner in the Family Law team at Lindsays.
 Every year, thousands of homes come   A collaborative divorce can’t remove all
 onto the market following separations   the pain from a split or selling a beloved
 and divorces and property matters can   family home, but it can prevent things   Could this fabulous four-bedroom property in one of Edinburgh’s
 often be contentious in such situations.  from becoming even worse. That’s surely   most popular postcodes be the home you’ve been searching for?
 worth a try.
 When going through divorce or
 separation, our advice is to keep things
 amicable if at all possible. It’s easier said   Four good reasons to
 than done, of course, but more and more   choose collaboration
 people are managing this by opting for a
 “collaborative divorce”.  There are several reasons why
 collaborative divorce is becoming
 Collaborative divorce gives those   popular. Through an approach that
 involved more control to put in place   focuses on solutions rather than
 constructive solutions which a more   point-scoring, most couples reach
 formal process may not allow. This   better outcomes in terms of:
 approach involves:
 •   four-way meetings with solicitors who   1  protecting children
 are trained in collaborative law  2  finding practical arrangements
 •   you all committing from the outset to   for anything from contact
 stay away from court proceedings   to selling the home
 and to aim for a negotiated
 settlement  3  financial settlements
 •   other specialists such as a financial   4  reducing emotional fallout
 adviser joining meetings to assist in
 finding practical solutions

 Nina Taylor | Partner
 Family Law
 0131 656 5788

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