Page 26 - November 2023
P. 26


          Peebles                              Jedburgh                                           Eyemouth
          The Royal Burgh of Peebles enjoys a setting   Ten  miles north  of  the English  border,   Just five miles north of the border,
       nestled in the rolling Border hills, straddling the   Jedburgh is a charming and colourful market   Eyemouth is a pleasant harbour town
       River Tweed, and is a very popular place for   town that’s ideal for families or downsizers   that’s a perfect place for those who
       families and commuters to call home, thanks to   looking for a slower, more relaxed pace of   long to live by the water. Boasting fine
       its direct and easy access to Edinburgh, and its   life. Filled with attractive architecture, historic   coastal  scenery  and  a  vibrant  fishing
       highly-regarded secondary school. Picturesque   abbeys and plentiful cafes, restaurants and   industry, Eyemouth’s attractions also
       Peebles is well known for its arty community,   shops, Jedburgh offers much to enjoy for all   include a natural harbour and a wide              Eyemouth
       with a selection of festivals taking place   ages. There’s also plenty for history buffs to   sandy bay. There’s plenty to do too, with
       throughout the year: from the famous Beltane   enjoy, with a Blue Plaque trail commemorating   a renowned golf course and a state-of-
       Festival, to jazz, arts and food festivals.   the many iconic visitors and events Jedburgh   the-art leisure centre.     for homes here is higher  than in many
                                            has played host to.                                                                 other parts of the Borders, and buyers
       Peebles properties currently have an average                                            Property selling prices in Eyemouth are   have needed to bid an average of 106% of
       selling price of £231,360, and buyers bid around   A Jedburgh property would set you back £192,471   £185,450  on  average,  and  homes  take   the Home Report valuation to purchase a
       101.7% of the Home Report valuation to secure   on average, and you could secure a home here   20 days to go under offer. Competition   property.
       a home here. Properties take 35 days to go   for 99.2% of the Home Report valuation figure.
       under offer.                         The Jedburgh market has a median selling time
                                            of 32 days – matching its relaxed vibe.
          Hawick                                                                                Duns                             and competitive place in the Borders to buy
          The largest of the Border towns, Hawick   Selkirk                                     Quaint  Duns  (a  former  county  town)   property, with an average selling price of
       is  internationally  renowned  for  producing   The Royal and Ancient Burgh of Selkirk   has an elegant feel, with a market square, a   £307,595. Homes here go under offer in just
       fine quality knitwear, and is a major centre for   is a historic town renowned for its famous   castle and other historical buildings boasting   nine days, so you need to act fast, and homes
       industry in the region. You can therefore expect   residents, including William Wallace and Sir   abundant historical interest. Surrounded by   have achieved 109.1% of their Home Report
       to see many shops offering a large selection of   Walter Scott to name a few. It’s also famous   rolling hills offering glorious views, Duns is an   valuation on average.
       superb knitwear and cashmere! If fashion’s not   for its stunning scenery, and its proximity to   ideal base for lovers of the great outdoors.
       your thing however, there’s plenty more Hawick   St  Mary’s  Loch.  With  plenty  to  see  and  do,                            St Boswells
       has to offer – including acres of riverside walks,   and an abundant history to explore, Selkirk   If you’d like to buy a home in Duns, the   The charming village of St Boswells,
       the recently reopened Borders Distillery for a   is a charming place to call home, rich with   average property price is £237,442, and   just a few minutes’ drive from Melrose, is
       wee dram, and plenty of outdoor activities too.  tradition and community spirit.     buyers need to bid around 104.2% of the   an ideal home for those who want to enjoy
                                                                                            Home Report valuation to succeed. Homes   a tranquil pace of life, in a peaceful setting.
       Hawick homes cost on average £131,056, taking   In 2023, properties in Selkirk have had an   here don’t stay on the market for long, with a   The village is ideally suited to those who love
       a median time of 39 days to go under offer.   average selling price of £169,216, and buyers   median selling time of 21 days.  the outdoors, as it boasts access to many
       Again, if you’re interested in buying property   have paid an average of 97.6% of the Home                                well-known walks, all offering breathtaking
       here, you could be in line to snap up a home   Report valuation. Homes here are on the   Melrose                          scenery, but the village itself also offers an
       for under the Home Report valuation, with the   market for around 20 days before going   Melrose is one of the most sought-after   array of amenities and local businesses.
       average amount paid in 2023 sitting at 96.6%.  under offer.
                                                                                            places in the Borders to call home, and it’s
                                                                                            easy to see why. With gorgeous scenery, a   Property in St Boswells sells for £202,729 on
                                                                                            packed calendar of community events, plenty   average and takes 15 days to go under offer.
                                                                                            of amenities and a fascinating history, there’s   Homes here achieve 104.8% of their Home
                                                                                            much for residents and visitors alike to enjoy.  Report valuation on average.
                                                                                            Melrose is currently the most expensive

                                                                                            Ready to start your search for your dream Borders home today? Head to to start your
                                                                      Melrose               search – and check out the article on page 12 from Borders-based Hastings Legal, on what you need
                                                                                            to know about relocating to the countryside.
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