Page 30 - November 2023
P. 30

AT HOME WITH                                                                                                                                     INTERIORS INSIDER

       And the right one did, with Felicity and Stuart   and living area, perfect for socialising with
       not only losing their hearts to the flat itself, but   friends. It’s so bright with the new light over the
       also to the majestic views it offered: “We loved   kitchen, and it’s a very social space when we
       how light and spacious it felt, but it was the   have friends over,” the couple tells us. “This work
       views that really sold the property to us. We can   then allowed us to form a substantial principal
       see the Pentland Hills from the living room, and   suite with views of Edinburgh Castle. We love the
       Edinburgh Castle from the back!”.    spaces that we’ve created after the renovation,
                                            as they work so beautifully for our lifestyle.”   How to weatherproof your home this winter
       The property ticked this creative couple’s main
       goal of benefitting from some transformation,   But even after so much renovation, this plucky
       and Stuart set to work planning some serious   pair aren’t quite done yet, sharing plans to   15 budget-friendly ways to keep your home warm and dry this winter –
       structural alterations to turn this traditional   transform the bathroom in the coming months,               without running up the bills.
       tenement into an outstanding starter home.   showing that they haven’t been put off by the
                                            hard work a renovation can involve.
       “We moved the kitchen and added in a large                                                     inter is well on its way, and   Upgrade your thermostat
       roof light, to create a unique open plan kitchen   “The journey of renovating the flat was a hard   so it’s the ideal time to make   Did you know that thermostats can degrade
                                            one, but it’s very rewarding,” they explain. “For   Wsure your home is prepared    over time – especially in older properties?
                                            anyone else thinking of doing the same – expect   for the weather ahead. We all know how   Updating yours to a modern one, or even an
                                            the unexpected! There are always surprises        expensive the bills can get during the   app-controlled version, can help you keep track
                                            along the way, but there’s always a solution to it.   colder months, so if you’re looking for   of how much energy you’re using, and help you
                                            Just keep track of costs, and always remember     ways to keep your home warm and dry,   use it effectively, so you’re not wasting money
                                            to offer your tradesmen a cup of tea!”            without spending a fortune, read on for   on heating rooms you’re not using.
                                                                                              some top tips on how to do it.
                                                                                                                                  Draught-proof the windows
                                                                                                 Service your boiler              About  20%  of  your  home’s  heat  is  lost
                                                                                                 Book a service to make sure your   through the windows, so filling the gaps can
                                       If you’d like to keep up to date with the stunning     boiler is up to task. An annual checkup,   make a huge difference. Apply inexpensive
                                       transformations Felicity and Stuart continue to make   ideally before winter hits, is best to make   self-adhesive foam tape around the window
                                       to their home, you can follow them on Instagram        sure  your  boiler  is  working  efficiently  –   frames to stop draughts or use sealant on
                                       @ouredinburghinteriors, and you can also see Stuart’s   and if it needs repairs, it’s better to find   larger cracks. For single-glazed windows,
                                       professional portfolio @stu_mo_architecture.           out before it’s already freezing outside.  thermal film can act as secondary glazing.

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