Page 32 - November 2023
P. 32


          Fill the gaps in your floorboards   Check and clear the gutters                                                                Check the roof and the chimney
          We  all love  the  look  of  original   An  afternoon  spent  clearing  your                                                   Examining  your  roof  for  signs  of
       floorboards – but they can be draughty.   gutters (or getting a handyman to do it)                                            damage means you can avoid future leaks,
       Filling the gaps can help, and there   can help prevent overflowing and potential                                             so look for cracks, dampness, missing or
       are many options: from rubber tubing   leaks during the wetter months. Adding                                                 damaged tiles, or moss affecting your
       pushed into the gaps, to a sawdust-resin   wire mesh can also prevent future build-up                                         roof, and while you’re there, check the
       mix and wood sealant, it’s an easy way to   of leaves and debris.                                                             chimney  to  make  sure  any  flashing  or
       embrace warmth.                                                                                                               pointing is in good condition.
                                              Rearrange your furniture                            Set your radiators at the right
          Bleed your radiators                Yes, it’s that easy! Keep yourself away             temperature                             Add texture
          Learning how to bleed your radiators   from  the  windows  and  doors,  and  keep   Having all the radiators set to maximum     It can be as simple as adding a
       can save you money: it makes sure   the radiators unobstructed. A handy trick         means your bills will be higher than    cosy wool rug – it looks great, and will last
       there’s no trapped air, which can stop   is to place tinfoil behind radiators placed   necessary, but too low means your boiler   for years, but it will also block draughts.
       them heating your home effectively.  on external walls, to bounce the heat back       will be working hard for minimal output.   Adding thermal curtains to rooms
                                           into the room, instead of letting it escape       If you’re in a house, set the downstairs   currently  without  will  also  help,  as  will
          Draught-proof the doors          outside.                                          radiators to 5, and upstairs to 2, to allow the   adding blankets to your living areas, and
          Draught-proofing  strips  can  make                                                heat to rise and save money too.        making  sure you have an appropriate-
       a big difference. Simply place them                                                                                           weight duvet for sleep, so you don’t need
       between the door and the doorframe                                                                                            to run the heating all night long.
       and add a brush-style draught excluder
       to the bottom. For extra warmth, add a                                                                                             Insulate your loft
       cosy plush excluder, and you can even                                                                                              If you have a loft, use self-adhesive
       install key and letterbox covers if cold air                                                                                  draught tape around the loft hatch, and
       keeps coming in.                                                                                                              add a layer of eco-friendly wool insulation
                                                                                                                                     to reduce up to 50% of heat loss.

                                                                                                                                          Check your pipes
                                                                                                                                          Pipes can freeze and burst in
                                                                                                                                     the winter, so take the time to check
                                                                                                                                     them.  Repair dripping  taps and  add
                                                                                                                                     pipe jackets to external pipes to reduce
                                                                                                                                     the chance of them bursting. Find out
       Make your curtains work harder                                                                                                where your stopcock is, as this could be
       Investing in thermal curtains, or adding                                                                                      crucial  during  a  flood.  And  if  you  plan
       a thermal lining to your existing curtains,                                                                                   on going on holiday, remember to keep
       can make a huge difference to your                                                                                            your heating on low while you’re away, to
       home’s  warmth.  A  heavyweight  fabric                                                                                       keep the pipes warm.
       and a thermal lining can reduce heat loss
       by up to 25 per cent. You can buy clip-                                                                                            Close your curtains early
       in thermal linings for a much lower cost                                                                                           It might feel strange to close your
       than replacing your curtains, for a cheap                                                                                     curtains at 3pm, but during the winter,
       and easy solution.
                                                                                                                                     it’s a must. Keep them open until dusk
                                                                                                                                     to allow sunlight to warm up the room
                                                                                                                                     naturally, and then close them to keep
                                                                                                                                     the heat in.

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