Page 35 - November 2023
P. 35


 Winter gardening   “When leaves begin to fall, make sure you

        remove them from your lawn as soon as
        possible  as  they block  air  and  sunlight.
        However, you shouldn’t bin leaves, instead,
        make sure you compost them to minimise
        garden waste and save money.”
     jobs,  Instant autumn colour

        Marcus notes there’s still time to enjoy
        the beauty of your garden, and planting in
  with Dobbies
        containers is a great way to make the most
        of seasonal colours. Marcus says: “The
        vibrant cyclamen is great for planting in pots,
        containers, and hanging baskets and will
        add a splash of pink to your garden in winter.
        Winter  flowering  heathers  are  another
        fantastic choice for planting in containers
 As temperatures drop and the frost settles in, Dobbies, the UK’s leading   and will help create a welcoming doorway.
 garden centre has listed out the winter jobs we can be doing to get our   Pair with ruby red skimmia and trailing Ivy
        for a seasonal look come the festive period.”
 gardens looking their best and prepare them for a blooming 2024.
        Grow your own
        Marcus notes that those looking to grow
        their own can still do so in November. He   time to think about creating a wildlife habitat”,
 Timber GroZone Cold Frame,  hether you’re looking to introduce   says: “When it comes to herbs, there are   comments Marcus. “You can create a safe
 £89.99  colour to containers for the festive   plenty varieties that can be planted in   space by stacking branches or old logs in a
 Wperiod, tidy up your garden  for   late autumn like parsley, sage, rosemary   covered spot to help protect small animals from
 the new year, grow your own fruit and veg,   and thyme. Herbs can be grown indoors   the elements. When tidying up your garden for
 or prepare your outdoor space for spring,   on a windowsill, however, if you’re looking   winter, don’t prune too much as this will give
 Dobbies’  Horticultural  Director,  Marcus  Eyles   to grow these outside, a greenhouse,   wildlife another place to take shelter.”
 has outlined how to get the most out of your   cold frame or other covered protection
 garden this winter.  is recommended in the colder  months   With regards to treating pests at this time of
        to protect your crop from frost damage.   year, Marcus says: “You should avoid using
 Find out what gardening jobs you should be   Certain herbs like basil,  coriander, chives   harsh chemicals and weed or pest killers in your
 doing now and appreciate the beauty of the   and tarragon should also be grown with   garden as these can be harmful to both wildlife
 outdoors regardless of the season.   supplementary lighting and heat indoors   and the environment. Instead, mulch well with
        when the days get colder and shorter.”  peat-free compost to keep weeds at bay and
 Prepare and protect                        ensure good soil health. If you have a pest
 Marcus says: “The month of November is   Welcome wildlife  problem, consider using an organic pest control
 typically when frost sets in so this is the time   Marcus says we should welcome wildlife into   like nematodes – Dobbies has a great range
 when gardeners should start to think about   our gardens year-round, but it’s particularly   from Nemasys that’s now available to pick up at
 preparing for winter and protecting their plants.   important to be mindful of this during the   your local store and online.”
 This is also when typical autumn gardening jobs   colder months. “To make sure insects and
 like clearing leaves  off your lawn  and  cutting   small animals have a safe space to shelter   For more seasonal gardening advice and
 back shrubs should be done.  during late autumn and winter, now is the   inspiration visit

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