Page 25 - November 2023
P. 25

EXPERT ADVICE                                                      AREA SPOTLIGHT

 How long does the house-buying
 process take?  Property hotspots

 David Lauder, independent mortgage adviser with ESPC Mortgages,
 talks us through the process and timelines of a property purchase.

 question often asked by clients is: how   The mortgage application                                  in the Borders
 long does the whole process of buying   From making the application to getting
 A  a house take? The short answer is that   your mortgage accepted, the time can vary
 no case is the same, but this is the ideal order   depending on your chosen lender, and how
 of events.   well-prepared you are. It can take two to three          Jedburgh
 weeks, however, at ESPC Mortgages, we pride
 Speak to a mortgage adviser  ourselves on aiming closer to one to two weeks,
 if circumstances allow.
 This is when you discuss your circumstances,
 your income, debt commitments and deposit
 size. Your mortgage adviser will then advise   The conveyancing process
 on potential options to consider and apply for   Factoring in the time to get the mortgage
 a decision in principle with your chosen lender.  approved, alongside the conveyancing side
 that your solicitor will take care of, the ideal
 timescale – from a verbal offer acceptance to
 Get a decision in principle  actually receiving the keys – is typically six to
 This can typically be done within less   eight weeks. However, it’s possible to do this
 than a week of gathering all your personal   sooner should circumstances require, but each
 information. The decision in principle can last   case is down to individual factors.  Dreaming of a new home in the tranquil Scottish Borders? Here are the most
 for up to 90 days, depending on the chosen
 lender.        popular areas in the region for buying and selling so far in 2023.
 The importance of an independent mortgage
 adviser can be crucial for these turnaround
 Start making offers and apply for   periods, due to the relationships they have with   Kelso  Galashiels
 your mortgage  the mortgage lenders and also the knowledge   The most popular place in the Borders   The former textile town of Galashiels has a rich
 Once you have appointed a solicitor, you can   and understanding of what the most suitable   to call home, Kelso, is a busy market town   history, with everything from Iron Age forts to tweed
 start offering on properties, based on the budget   solution for each client will be. They will also   and agricultural centre in the lower Tweed   factories charting its past. This picturesque town is still
 agreed with your mortgage adviser. When an   be able to guide you on all the documents you   Valley. Known for its elegant main square,   home to Heriot-Watt University’s School of Textiles
 offer  is accepted,  your  mortgage  adviser  will   need to prepare in advance which means you   surrounded by Georgian architecture, Kelso   and Design, and it boasts excellent rail access north
 arrange a meeting where you complete a full   are well prepared, allowing the process to be as   is also filled with independent shops, bars,   to  Edinburgh  and south to  Tweedbank,  thanks  to
 mortgage application.  smooth as possible.
        cafes and  restaurants,  and  boasts  a  very   the reintroduction of the Borders Railway. Galashiels
        strong community spirit.          is a great place for family living, with museums, golf
                                          courses, a cinema, cycle routes, parks, gardens and
 The initial consultation with an ESPC Mortgages adviser is free   responsibility is accepted for any errors which, despite our   If you’d like to own a home in Kelso, you   independent cafes, shops and restaurants too.
 and without obligation. Thereafter, ESPC Mortgages charges for   precautions, it may contain.   could expect to pay £224,126 on average,
 mortgage  advice  are  usually  £395  (£345  for  first-time  buyers).
 YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP   The Financial Ombudsman Service is available to sort out individual   and bid around 103% of the Home Report   A home in Galashiels costs £159,108 on average,
 REPAYMENTS ON A MORTGAGE OR OTHER LOANS SECURED   complaints  that  clients  and  financial  services  businesses  aren’t   valuation to secure it. Properties in this   and is on the market for 27 days before going
 AGAINST IT.   able to resolve themselves. To contact the Financial Ombudsman   popular town take a median time of 16 days   under offer. Buyers can bag a bargain here, as the
 Service, please visit
 The information contained within this article is subject to the   to go under offer (five days quicker than the   average amount of Home Report valuation paid sits
 UK regulatory regime and therefore restricted to consumers   ESPC (UK) Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Lyncombe   overall figure for the Borders).  at 99.3%.
 based in the UK. It has been provided in good faith. Whilst every   Consultants Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial
 care has been taken in the preparation of the information, no   Conduct Authority.
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