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               The best-performing postcodes for
                                                                                                                 Homes in the EH8 district were also strong performers during
                                property lets                                                                      2024’s second quarter, with properties here in high demand. EH8
                                                                                                                    offers a broad range of properties to suit renters from students
                                                                                                                    and young professionals to families, in areas incredibly close
              Using the latest Citylets data and ESPC house price information,                                      to the city centre and excellent local amenities.
               Head of ESPC Lettings Nicky Lloyd shares the top Edinburgh
                                                                                                                    One-bedroom properties generated an average rental yield
                           postcodes for strong rental yields.
                                                                                                                    of 7.1%, while two-bed homes offered a healthy 6.5%. Ideal for
                                                                                                                   families or students, three-bedroom homes were also in high
                                                                                                                  demand, with an average yield of 6.8% for this property type.
           hinking  about  getting  involved  in   ‘good’, while anything above 6% is considered
           property investment? The potential   ‘very good’.
       Trental  yield for  your property  is  one of
       the most important factors to consider before   We’ve analysed the latest rental data from
       you take the plunge, along with the potential   Citylets, looking at the second quarter of 2024
       that the property will increase in value over   (April-June) and combined it with ESPC house   EH11 offered very healthy rental yields across the board, likely due
       time, as this is how you can make money from   price data, to uncover the best-performing   to a combination of lower property prices and increased renter
       your property.                       postcodes for property investment across           demand. Just west of the city centre, EH11 covers up-and-coming
                                            Edinburgh. Our analysis has revealed that          communities as well as more established neighbourhoods,
       A rental yield is the annual return you achieve   four postcodes delivered the strongest results   meaning it appeals to everyone from students and young
       from renting out your home, and across the   during the first quarter of 2024: EH3, EH8, EH11   professionals to families.
       UK, the current average rental yield is between   and EH12.
       5% and 8% (according to Natwest). Anything                                              In this postcode, one-bedroom and two-bedroom properties
       around  the  5-6%  mark  could  be  considered   Let’s take a look in more detail...    offered rental yields of 6.4% and 6.3% respectively, however,
                                                                                               three-bedroom properties performed exceptionally well, with a
                                                                                               yield of 7.8% - the best to be found in Edinburgh during this period.

                                This ever-popular postcode area continued to attract
                                   strong interest across the market, especially from young
                                     professionals and students seeking homes in these                            Homes in EH12 continued to perform strongly, proving popular
                                       highly sought-after central neighbourhoods.                                 with a range of renters, from young professionals to families.
                                        Offering  direct  access  to  the  city’s  finest                           With  excellent  local  amenities,  first-rate  transport  links,
                                         amenities and green spaces, alongside beautiful                             renowned schools and plentiful green spaces, it’s no surprise
                                         architecture and the likelihood of an easy                                  that this pocket of Edinburgh held strong appeal for tenants.
                                          commute, EH3 has experienced considerable
                                         demand from would-be tenants.                                               One-bedroom properties had an average rental yield of
                                                                                                                     6.1%, while two-bedroom properties performed especially
                                        One-bedroom properties in EH3 performed                                     well, producing a yield of 6.6%. Three-bedroom properties
                                       especially well during April-June, offering an                             generated an average yield of 6.3%.
                                      average  rental  yield  of  7.6%,  while  two-bedroom
                                   properties generated a 6.2% yield, and three-bedroom
                                homes produced an average yield of 6.3%.
       New Town                                                                             ESPC Lettings is an Edinburgh letting agent. We can help with marketing your rental property and finding the right tenants.
                                                                                            Contact the team on 0131 253 2847 or
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