Page 18 - ESPC_Sept24
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       Rowanbank Gardens                                                                     engaging through the design of buildings.’     associated with new apartment buildings in
       celebrates in the sun                                                                 and architect Thomas Heatherwick, the   investment  in  high  quality  living  space  and
                                                                                                                                   city  centre  areas.    And  Artisan’s  significant
                                                                                             Launched in 2023 by celebrated designer
                                                                                                                                   amenity, as well as its supremely cost-effective
                                                                                             interesting, contemporary, ‘human’ buildings
                                                                                                                                   energy efficiency is providing a popular draw
                                                                                             from around Scotland from which ‘we can all
                                                                                             draw inspiration’ whilst visiting the Edinburgh   for buyers, with 62 of 93 apartments available
                                                                                                                                   for private sale now sold.
                                                                                             International Book Festival in August.
           Edinburgh new homes development makes the Humanise                                                                      The development was awarded the
               movement’s top five ‘inspirational’ contemporary                              Rowanbank Gardens was the only residential   prestigious  Apartment  Development
                                                                                             development to be featured in the top five.   of the Year title at the 2024 Scottish
                           buildings in Scotland.
                                                                                             Writing on social media, the Humanise   Homes Awards, while its superb design
                                                                                             movement described Rowanbank as a “dense,   and sustainability credentials have also
                                                                                             everyday  housing  development  filled  with   been recognised by winning best Scottish
                                                                                             generous courtyards and outdoor living areas,”   residential development at the Institute of
                                                                                             before going on to say “ask yourself – how does     Chartered Surveyors (RICS) awards. The
                                                                                             it make you feel? What’s the emotional   development has also been shortlisted for
                                                                                             impact of the design?  We think it’s interesting   two national environmental impact titles
                                                                                             and uplifting.”                       at this year’s UK RICS and the UK Green
                                                                                                                                   Business Awards.
                                                                                             Izzy Bastiani, Regional Sales Associate
                                                                                             Scotland at Artisan Real Estate Limited, said:   Prices for  a two-bedroom apartment start
                                                                                             “It  was  wonderful  to  see  so  many  people   from £325,000 with a three-bedroom from
                                                                                             enjoying our garden get together, creating   £425,000. To experience this award-winning
                                                                                             a very special atmosphere which literally   development for yourself and to discuss
                                                                                             brought Rowanbank Gardens to life.    the incentives currently available, book
                                                                                                                                   an appointment through the Rowanbank
                                                                                             “And  it  is  fitting  that,  at  the  same  time,   Gardens’ website at
                                                                                             this  unique  sense  of  community  has  been   or call 0131 516 3302.
                                                                                             praised at the highest
                                                                                             level by one of the most
                                                                                             respected   architectural
                                                                                             voices in the UK.  We feel
             owanbank Gardens in Corstorphine,   own potting shed was transformed into       we have created something
             Edinburgh had plenty of reasons   a temporary food and drink stall for the      very special here, which is
        Rto celebrate as the multi-award-  celebration as residents, neighbours and          now being recognised not
        winning new homes development invited   the Artisan team socialised and played       just across Scotland but the
        tenants  and  neighbours  for  a  unique   outdoor games amongst the newly           whole of the UK.”
        ‘garden get together’ in late August.  planted fruit trees and herb and vegetable   Sisters Amelie (L) and Sadie Whitmey
                                           growing beds.                        enjoy fun in the sun at Rowanbank Gardens  Since  its  inception,
        The   sun-soaked  celebration  was                                                   Rowanbank Gardens has
        organised by developer Artisan Real   And this burgeoning sense of community,        set new industry standards
        Estate to mark the development’s official   which  lies  at  the  heart  of  Rowanbank   for sustainable, low-carbon
        completion, providing a mix of 126   Garden’s design, was further endorsed           development,  challenging
        homes all set around a large communal   by a global architectural campaign           many of the traditional norms
        landscaped courtyard.  Rowanbank’s very   aiming to make cities ‘more joyful and                                        Cheers! Izzy Bastiani raises a glass to Rowanbank Gardens

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