Page 42 - ESPC_Sept24
P. 42

        Beside the seaside                                                                  The couple had been looking for a new home

                                                                                            for a while, and after the speedy sale of their
                                                                                            first  property,  they  were  surprised  to  find  a
                                                                                            differently paced market for their Macmerry
                                                                                                                                          We completely
                                                                                            home, with the house taking 18 months to sell.
                                                                                                                                     stripped the house back
                                                                                            “We hoped each week we would sell, and
             Hannah Biddulph and her husband John found that a set of derelict              during that time we fell in love with so many   to the original stone
                         fishermen’s cottages were a real catch.                            homes and lost out on them. I fell pregnant
                                                                                            with our first son, Samson, and I was sure that   walls and started again.
                                                                                            by the time I had the baby, we would be sitting
                                                                                            pretty in our new forever home, but that wasn’t   It’s basically a new
                                                                                            the case.”
            s the owner of two seaside holiday lets in   The wee gem in question was in fact a row of                                  house in an old shell.
            East Lothian, Hannah Biddulph knows   three  fishermen’s  cottages,  that  the  couple
       A what makes a property appealing. And   transformed into one family home. “It sounds   However, everything worked out perfectly,
       with plenty of renovation experience under   grand, but they were tiny, with just two rooms   with their slower sale eventually leading them
       their belts, Hannah and her husband John were   in each cottage, and there was still an outside   to the cottages that would soon become their
       the right people for the job when they came   toilet!” laughs Hannah. “I knew I wanted an   dream home.
       across a truly unique proposition in the pretty   older property, but never in my wildest dreams
       town of Cockenzie back in March 2016.  did I think that I would end up with a home   “We used ESPC to look for a property,   renovation project, we did want something
                                            whose oldest parts date back to 1690.”          and although we weren’t looking for a full   we could upgrade and put our own stamp on.
       “Our first property purchase was an accidental                                                                             I signed up for the My ESPC email alerts and
       ‘property  flip’”,  explains  Hannah.  “We  bought                                                                         have never switched them off! I love getting
       a  three-bedroom  flat  with  a  river  view  in                                                                           daily emails with what’s for sale. I was on the
       Haddington, and did a complete renovation on                                                                               website every day checking for homes in the
       it, thinking we would be staying. However, we                                                                              east of East Lothian especially, and we found
       knew that in just six months we’d added lots                                                                               a property that’s just around the corner from
       of value, so we decided to move on, to a three-                                                                            our now home. We loved it very much but were
       storey townhouse in Macmerry. We lived there                                                                               pipped to the post – just as well, as our home
       for seven years, until we found a derelict wee                                                                             became available only a week later.”
       gem, right on the beach in Cockenzie.”
                                                                                                                                  It wasn’t love at first sight for Hannah and John,
                                                                                                                                  however, with the scale of the works required
                                                                                                                                  giving them plenty to be cautious about. “After
                                                                                                                                  the  first  viewing,  we  walked  away.  The  roof
                                                                                                                                  had water pouring through it, the walls were
                                                                                                                                  thick with damp, there was woodworm, and
                                                                                                                                  of  course  the  outside  toilet.  I  think  the  first
                                                                                                                                  viewing overwhelmed us; it was a rainy, cold
                                                                                                                                  November day with a toddler running about,
                                                                                                                                  and we thought the project was too big. Our
                                                                                                                                  family friend (and builder) Wayne MacDonald
                                                                                                                                  came with us for a second viewing and gave
                                                                                                                                  us insights into how we could make it work for
                                                                                                                                  us financially.”

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