Page 46 - ESPC_Sept24
P. 46

        Autumn                                                                                     When it comes to lasagne planting, you should always

               gardening tips                                                                      place the largest, latest flowering bulbs in the deepest

                                                                                                     layer of your pot or bed, moving to the smallest and

                                                                                                           earliest flowering as you get to the top.

                and lasagne planting with Dobbies                                           “Plant your largest, latest blooming bulbs first in
                                                                                            the centre of your pot or bed, about 10 inches
                                                                                            deep, and cover with a layer of compost and

       Dobbies’ Plant Buyer, Nigel Lawton’s top tips on preparing your garden for spring.   “For your second layer, create a ring around the
                                                                                            edges of your pot or bed with mid-season bulbs,
                                                                                            about 5 inches deep. Cover with more compost
            utumn is the perfect time to get   containers and beds with colour, as buying   so the tips of the bulbs are showing and water.
            planting and prepare your garden for a   bulbs and planting now is more cost effective
       A blooming 2025. Whether you’re looking   than  buying  mature  plants  for  instant  colour   “For your final layer, plant your smallest early-
       to get ahead on some colourful containers,   next spring.”                           flowering  bulbs  evenly  over  the  top  of  your
       or want to ensure garden beds are full of                                            display and cover with an inch of compost.
       vibrancy next spring, Dobbies’ Plant Buyer,     2.   Prepare your pot or bed
       Nigel Lawton advises that lasagne planting, or
       layered planting, is a fantastic way to make the   “Preparation is key when it comes to planting   “If you’re looking to bring instant colour to your
       most of your spring bulbs and will give you a   in autumn”, says Nigel. “If you’re planting in   pot or bed while waiting for your bulbs to grow,   Nigel’s
       continuous bloom of flowers from early spring   a pot, add some grit or crocks at the bottom   you can add bedding flowers such as pansies or   top bulb choices
       through to summer.                   of the container to aid with drainage and       primroses on top of your display.”
                                            prevent compost falling out of any holes at
                                            the bottom. Fill your container around three      4.   Protect                             for lasagne planting
       Here are Nigel’s tips on maximising your time   quarters  full  with  a  good  quality  peat-free
       in the garden this autumn and his step-by-step   bulb fibre compost, and if you’re planting in   To ensure your bulb lasagne lasts throughout
       guide on planting a beautiful display of bulbs to                                    winter,  Nigel  says:  “You  should  continue  to   •   Crocus (pack of 8) available in Blue
       fill your garden with colour next spring.  the ground, loosen the soil to about 12 inches   water your display once planted and ensure   Ocean and Ivory Princess, £4.99
                                            deep and add in your compost to provide a
                                            nutrient boost.”                                the compost is kept damp, but not wet. Place   •   Daffodil Narcissus Twinkling
                                                                                            your container in a shaded spot and when green   Yellow (pack of 7), £4.99
         1.   Choose your bulbs                                                             shoots appear, move it to a sunny spot in your
       Nigel says: “When it comes to lasagne planting,     3.   Layer your bulbs            garden.                                   •  Daffodil Filly (pack of 7), £4.99
       you want to choose a variety of bulbs that   Nigel says: “When it comes to lasagne                                             •  Tulip Pinocchio (pack of 7), £4.99
       will bloom at different times to give your   planting, you should always place the largest,   “To  protect bulbs  from frost  over  the winter   •  Tulip Sunlover (pack of 7), £4.99
       display longevity and ensure constant colour.   latest flowering bulbs in the deepest layer of   months, mulch well with a peat-free bulb fibre
       Early  flowering  plants  like  crocuses  work  well   your pot or bed, moving to the smallest and   compost, and if temperatures are expected to
       paired with mid-season flowers like tulips and     earliest  flowering  as  you  get  to  the  top.  If   drop, cover with frost fleece. Add a dusting of   All available on Dobbies 3 for £12
                                                                                                                                              spring bulbs offer.
       late-season varieties such as Daffodil Narcissus.   you’re unsure on when your bulbs will flower,   bonemeal to feed over the coming months.”
       This will give you months of beautiful non-  check the packet for instructions and organise
       stop flowers. It’s also a great value way to fill   by size and blooming time.
                                                                                                    For more gardening advice and to browse Dobbies’ range of bulbs, visit
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