Page 44 - ESPC_Sept24
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                                                                                             The décor is just one of the reasons that the   fundraising for managing holiday lets in the
                                                                                             property became a competitor on the third   town. “We have an invested interest in the
                                                                                             series of Scotland’s Home of the Year back   area; we bought and renovated our holiday
                                                                                             in 2021, becoming a fan favourite thanks   cottage, Boatshore Cottage, which is just
                                                                                             to  its  picturesque  location  and  charming   next door, and last year we also bought and
                                                                                             interior style.                      renovated the listed property, dating back to
                                                                                                                                  1855, directly across the road from us. It was
                                                                                             It’s not just the house itself, but the location   in a serious state of disrepair, and it’s now
                                                                                             that Hannah and her family adore, as   been sympathetically restored and sold onto
                                                                                             she explains what makes Cockenzie so   a lovely lady who dreamed of owning a home
                                                                                             special. “We love being only ten miles from   by the sea.”
                                                                                             Edinburgh, but in a real community. This
                                                                                             part of the coast is so pretty and historical,   Truly settled into their dream family
                                                                                             yet it escapes the heavy footfall of tourists   home, Hannah has some sage advice for
                                                                                             that the more well-known parts of East   those thinking of taking on a large-scale
                                                                                             Lothian get, making it ideal for bringing up   renovation of their own. “Don’t be put off –
                                                                                             a young family.”                     once  you  find  a  home  you  love,  you  have
       The couple decided to take the plunge and   all had sea views. I designed the layout and                                   the rest of your  life to  save up and make
       purchased the cottages, using local ESPC   did the drawings, then took the plan to a real   In fact, Hannah loves the lifestyle Cockenzie   changes. You’ll never a find a dream house
       solicitor estate agents Garden Stirling Burnet   architect to do the techy bit.”      offers  so much,  that  she  underwent  a full   that ticks every single box, so be prepared
       to  guide  them.  “We  have  always  used GSB;                                        career change, swapping her career in   to compromise.”
       Audrey there is absolutely fantastic and   The finished property is a charming seaside
       so knowledgeable about the East Lothian   haven, and with a second son, Micah, joining
       market.”                             them since the house has been completed,
                                            the family can’t see themselves living
       Sale  complete,  Hannah  and  John  then  spent   anywhere else: “I’m not sure we could wrench
       the  next  five  months  renovating,  before   ourselves away, especially now we have boys
       moving in at last.                   who have the beach as their back garden.
                                            Living so close to the sea, swimming and
       “We completely stripped the house back to the   paddleboarding is our life right now, and the
       original stone walls and started again,” Hannah   sunsets are out of this world. We have plans
       explains. “It’s basically a new house in an old   drawn up to convert the attic space into two
       shell. The layout didn’t work, and we had our   further bedrooms and another bathroom,
       hearts set on a large kitchen where we could   which I imagine we will need once we have
       cook, entertain and hang as a wee family, so we   teenagers!”
       ended up knocking down walls and changing
       the flow of the house to get exactly what we   The décor itself has been a labour of love too,
       wanted. The biggest change was adding a   creating a truly personalised space. “We have
       huge steel beam right through the centre   a wall of art dedicated to all the places we’ve
       of the house, to create an enormous dining   visited, and we have lots of pre-loved light
       kitchen with a double-sized window that looks   fittings, old chandeliers and such – we’ve tried
       out to the sea. The view there is spectacular,   to keep the interiors sympathetic to the age                               If you’d like to see more of Hannah’s coastal
       a panoramic view from the Forth Bridges   of the property. I prefer classic, timeless style                                 haven, you can follow her on Instagram @
       right along the Firth of Forth, taking in the   as opposed to modern. And of course, there’s                                jonah_cottage,  and  you  can  find  out  more
       whole Fife coastline. We made sure that the   a touch of nautical here and there, with being                                about the holiday let @boatshorecottage.
       main bedrooms, the lounge and the kitchen   so close to the sea!”

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