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 luxury downsizing

 The allure of AMA Homes at Torwood (Murrayfield) and
 Village View (West End, Edinburgh)
        What  sets  our  developments  apart  are  the   Make downsizing an upgrade to your
        thoughtful  design  elements  that  contribute   lifestyle!
        to an unparalleled living experience. The   The decision to downsize can be emotional, but
 s  life  progresses,  so  do  our  housing   Embracing Change with Torwood and   apartments  boast  wonderfully  high  ceilings,
 needs.  For  many  of  us,  the  prospect   Village View   creating an atmosphere of spaciousness and   it is also an opportunity for a new beginning in a
 A of  downsizing  from  a  spacious  family   Downsizing  often  stirs  up  emotions  tied  to   grandeur.  The  generous  footprint,  coupled   space that reflects your current lifestyle, which
 home to a more manageable residence marks   memories, familiarity, and the notion of leaving   with  wide  hallways,  ample  storage,  and   can  be  liberating.  Our  latest  developments
 a significant emotional and practical transition.   behind  a  piece  of  one’s  history.  Village  View   considered design, ensure an airy feel. Large   not  only  offer  luxurious  downsizing  options
 However, this shift need not be a compromise;   aims  to  ease  this  transition  by  seamlessly   windows and glazed patio doors allow natural   but also embrace eco-friendly living, ensuring
 instead,  it  can  be  a  thrilling  opportunity  to   blending  the  charm  of  period  architecture   light to stream in and provide delightful views   a  seamless  transition  to  a  more  sustainable,
 experience a new chapter of life in unparalleled   with  the  allure  of  a  completely  new,  elegant   of The Pentlands at Torwood, or the beautiful   comfortable future.
 luxury.   city  home.  Each  apartment  is  meticulously   Belford  Bridge  and  historic  Dean  Village  at   Experience the best of both worlds at
 designed to provide a sense of continuity while   Village  View,  and  some  apartments  feature   Torwood and Village View – where elegance is
 Enter AMA Homes’ latest development, Village   offering  modern  amenities  that  complement   sliding doors leading to patios, where residents
 View, nestled along Belford Road in Edinburgh,   the lifestyle of discerning individuals.   can bask in the beauty of their surroundings.  modernity, and where downsizing becomes an
                                              upgrade to a life of unparalleled sophistication
 overlooking the picturesque Dean Village.
                                              and environmental responsibility.
 The sought-after locations at Murrayfield and   Eco-Friendly Living
 Belford Road ensure residents can continue to   In  an  era  where  sustainability  is  paramount,   More information
 enjoy a vibrant lifestyle, and remain connected   both developments have real eco credentials,
 to  the  city’s  cultural  epicentre,  including  the   incorporating  eco-friendly  features  that  not   Torwood  offers  23  two  and  three-bedroom
                                              apartments, set over two brand-new pavilions.
 West End, much-loved art galleries, and lovely   only  reduce  environmental  impact  but  also   There  are  now  10  apartments  available  and
 green spaces.
        contribute  to  lower  running  costs.  From   ready  for  occupation.  Village  View  consist  of
        energy-efficient  appliances  to  sustainable   three phases: phase one is the conversion of
 The AMA Difference  building materials, we have taken many steps   Douglas  House,  a  former  industrial  building
 It  is  within  our  DNA  to  bring  quality  to   in  creating  homes  that  tread  lightly  on  the   dating to 1898, into 13 apartments, including a
 exclusive  city  developments.  Torwood  and   planet. At AMA Homes, we take pride in using   spectacular top floor penthouse, launching in
 Village  View  are  no  exception.  While  the   top-quality materials for construction, ensuring   June 2024. Phases two and three consist of a
 apartments  are  priced  at  the  higher  end  of   longevity and durability. As a testament to our   series  of  stylish,  interconnected  apartment
 the market, the investment is justified by the   commitment,  we  provide  a  robust  aftersales   blocks  and  three  four-bedroom  townhouses,
 unmatched  quality  and  attention  to  detail.   service, providing residents with peace of mind.   launching later in 2024.
 Each unit exudes sophistication, with carefully
 curated interiors boasting the perfect balance
 of luxury and practicality.   To arrange a private, pre-launch viewing, contact Behnam Afshar on 07967 322 025
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