Page 17 - Property market report-Mar-Aug24
P. 17

St Andrews offered the highest volume of properties   selling time of 31 days during March-August 2024,
 East Fife    coming to the market, with volumes up 44.9% on     which is three days slower year-on-year. This means

                                                                 that East Fife homes were the second slowest to sell
              the same time last year, followed by Kirkcaldy, Cupar,
              Anstruther and Crail.                              across all ESPC regions after Dumfries & Galloway.

              91.7% of properties for sale were marketed at ‘offers   17.1% of properties for sale in East Fife went to a
              over’, suggesting that even despite higher levels of   closing date, down from 20% in 2023 and 26.7% in
              competition, sellers felt exceptionally confident in the   March-August 2022, showing how much the rise in
              market and in their property’s perceived value with   availability impacts the competitive environment
              buyers. This is very consistent with the levels seen in   buyers and sellers may at this point be used to
              recent years.                                      experiencing.

              Sales volumes also experienced an annual increase,
              by a smaller 3.4%. Sought-after St Andrews had the
              highest volume of sales, followed by Kirkcaldy, Cupar,    The average property
              Glenrothes and Anstruther, signalling strong demand       selling price in East Fife
              from a variety of buyers looking for homes in a mix of    was £290,556
 Average selling prices in East Fife   secure a home for much closer to the Home Report   locations – from coastal towns and villages to thriving   during March-August
 rose year-on-year.  valuation figure.   central hubs.                     2024, an annual
                                                                           increase of 2.8%
 The average property selling price in East Fife during   Buyers paid the highest premium for homes in   Two-bedroom houses in St Andrews were the biggest
 March-August 2024 was £290,556, an increase of   Kirkcaldy; here, properties attained 103% of their   sellers, with sales volumes for this property type rising
 2.8% year-on-year. This makes East Fife the second-  Home Report valuation on average, which is five   66.7% compared to March-August 2023, hinting at   17.1%
 most expensive region covered by ESPC in which to   percentage points higher than in March-August 2023,   high demand from young professionals or downsizers   of properties set
 purchase a property, and the most expensive outside   indicating that there is significant demand for homes   for the area.   a closing date,
 of Edinburgh.  in this part of East Fife.                             Properties in East       down from 20%
                                                                                                   last year
                                                                       Fife had a median
              Homes sold more slowly as the                             selling time of
 There was high contrast in average selling prices   66.3% of properties sold for at least their Home   market enjoyed more options to
                                                                        31 days,
 across this broad and varied region; the highly   Report valuation, down from 71.8% in March-August   three days slower
 sought-after St Andrews was the most expensive   2023. This suggests good news for buyers, who can   choose from.  than March-August
 area of East Fife to buy a property, with average   reasonably expect to secure a home for much closer   As we’ve seen throughout the report, the speed of   2023
 selling prices in the area reaching £382,381. By   to its valuation figure. It also suggests that sellers may   sale across East Fife dipped in comparison to last   Buyers paid
 contrast, Kirkcaldy was the most affordable area,   be more open to selling for a lesser premium than in   year, correlating with the rise in available properties   101.5% of
 with homes in this part of the region selling for an   years past, in order to secure a quicker sale and move   for buyers to peruse. Homes in East Fife had a median   the Home Report
                                                                                                valuation, two
 average of £219,991.  onto their own onward purchase.                                        percentage points
                                                                                              less than the same
 Buyers paid closer to the valuation   New property listings soared across   Property insertions   time last year
 price as competition dramatically   the East Fife property market.     rose 28.5%

 Buyers in East Fife enjoyed a bumper crop of listings                annually, while sales
                                                                       volumes increased
 Properties for sale in East Fife achieved 101.5% of   coming onto the local market in March-August,
                                                                            by 3.4%
 their Home Report valuation on average, which is   with volumes of new properties becoming available
 two percentage points down on March-August 2023.   rocketing 28.5% year-on-year. This significant increase
 This is a pattern we will see repeated throughout this   could be the reason for Home Report premiums
 report; with higher volumes of properties coming   dipping, with buyers enjoying a reduced onus on them
 onto the market, buyers can enjoy much-reduced   to bid significantly over value, as there are many more
 pressure and competition, thus allowing them to   homes available to satisfy buyer demand.

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